1st Edition

Climate Change, Education, and Technology

    145 Pages 4 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    The climate change crisis is without a doubt one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever confronted. If we want to leave a more habitable planet for future generations by combating the crisis, we must support increasing local and global efforts. In fact, there are global movements attempting to combat the crisis. NGOs, universities, and municipal governments, in brief, everyone, is attempting to find solutions to counteract the climate crisis because it is evident that, given that human activities are one of the most significant causes of the climate crisis, the solution must also reside within humanity. In addition to all of these proposed solutions, educational institutions have significant responsibilities. Education is required to raise all segments of society's awareness of climate change, generate solutions, and implement them. In addition, technology can contribute to this process by creating climate change-fighting solutions, accumulating and analysing data, and providing energy efficiency. Specifically educating young people about the climate crisis will substantially contribute to the solution of the problem. Additionally, it is evident that young people use technology effectively in the modern world. Technology allows for the monitoring of the climate, the mitigation of its effects, and the enhancement of the environment. Therefore, climate change, education, and the use of technology should be addressed as a unit. In this volume, we seek to integrate climate change, education, and technological applications. A book with the title "Climate Change, Education, and Technology" can be an essential step in raising awareness, discussing solutions, and uniting those working in this field. In the context of Climate Change, Education, and Technology, this makes the book more comprehensive and offers readers a variety of perspectives, allowing for the generation of novel and inventive ideas. The collaboration of authors from various disciplines to address the issue permits the emergence of novel and intriguing perspectives.


    Chapter 1: An Interview with Colin Summerhayes: Climate Change

    Manuel Varela, Ann Varela, and Michael F. Shaughnessy

    Chapter 2: Educational Escape Rooms in Climate Change Education: Learning by Doing

    Tania Ouariachi, and Wim J.L. Elving

    Chapter 3: Current Technological Approaches to Climate Change Education: Applications and Implications for the Future

    Menşure Alkış Küçükaydın

    Chapter 4: Digital Technologies for Climate Education: A Scoping Review of Empirical Studies

    Paulina Rutecka, Karina Cicha, Mariia Rizun, and Artur Strzelecki

    Chapter 5: Fostering Climate Consciousness through Mathematics: Innovative STEM Activities for Pre-Service Teachers

    İpek Saralar-Aras, and Belma Türker Biber

    Chapter 6: Information and Communication Technologies in Climate Change Education

    Octav-Sorin Candel, Oara Prundeanu, Nicoleta Laura Popa, and Ștefan Boncu

    Chapter 7: Integration of Climate Change and Green Technologies into Language Education

    Yunus Emre Akbana, and Stefan Rathert

    Chapter 8: Enacting Climate Education in Teacher Preparation and Professional Learning

    Martha C. Monroe, Kathryn Riley, and Peta J. White

    Chapter 9: Climate Change: What We Need to Know and How to Inform Others

    Kenwyn Cradock



    Menşure Alkış Küçükaydın She is a researcher and faculty member at Necmettin Erbakan University. She holds a degree in science education. Her research focuses on empirical studies in science and climate, climate change worries, climate change conspiracy theories and science education. The researcher includes critical learning theories in her studies. Dr. Alkış Küçükaydın is also interested in the integration of climate change into education and new research paradigms involving the combination of climate change, education and technology. Dr. Alkış Küçükaydın's research also covers the integration of artificial intelligence technologies into educational processes in the axis of science-climate interaction. She is an associate editor of several journals in the field of education. She has also published numerous books, articles and papers on education and science.

    Hakan Ulum He is a faculty member at Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Elementary Education. He received his PhD from Çukurova University, Department of Elementary Education. He previously worked as a classroom teacher in the Ministry of National Education. Dr Ulum has participated in many international conferences on mathematics education in countries such as Poland and Azerbaijan as a speaker, moderated discussions and organised events. He also works as an editor in DOAJ-indexed and international journals. His research focuses on various topics such as mathematics education, primary school teacher training, educational technology, and meta-analysis. He has published many articles in journals indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index. He has also refereed many articles in this index.

    Ömer Gökhan Ulum He serves as a faculty member within the Department of English Language Teaching at Mersin University, Turkey. He obtained his PhD from the English Language Teaching Department at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Previously, he held positions as a language assistant at Moseley College in England, an English teacher in the Ministry of Turkish National Education, a research assistant at Hakkari University, and a lecturer at Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University. Dr. Ulum has participated in numerous international conferences on foreign language education, presenting as a speaker, moderating discussions, and organizing events in countries including Poland, Spain, and South Africa. Additionally, he serves as the head editor of the International Journal of Educational Spectrum. His research focuses on various aspects of foreign language education, language teacher training, education policy, culture, language in education, ideology, language hegemony, bilingualism, pragmatics, discourse, and discourse analysis.