1st Edition

Climate Change and Agriculture Implication for Global Food Security

By H.P. Das Copyright 2016
    642 Pages
    by CRC Press

    One of the greatest challenges facing humankind is to minimize the impact of human-induced climate change on the agricultural production and also on the production from livestock, forestry and fisheries sectors. Ever-expanding global population and increased income is likely to generate an increase in demand for food and fibre by the middle of this century. At the same time the lands and fresh water resources available for expansion of agriculture may be of lower quality than those currently in use. In order to minimize possible adverse consequences including production losses, food price increases, and food insecurity, there needs to be greater intensive agriculture. This can be achieved by adoption of efficient adaptation techniques in combination with measures taken to preserve the environment and to use resources more efficiently. The range of adaptation options for agriculture, forestry, and fisheries is generally increasing because of technological advances, thus reducing the vulnerability of these systems to climate change. However, in many developing countries technology generation, innovation, and adoption are too slow to sufficiently counteract the increasingly negative effects of climate change. This book represents a major step in understanding the science of various aspects of climate change with likely impacts on agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fisheries with clear adaptation strategies required to reduce their vulnerability.

    Perspectives on the Interactions between Climate Change Parameters and their Agricultural Significance: An Overview
    The Climate System and the Interactions between its Components
    Continental Drift, Ocean Circulation and Climate Change
    Complexity of Climate Variables and their Relationship
    The Physical Basis of Climate
    Feedback of Climate Change
    Global Warming
    The Impact of Climate Change on Ecosystem
    Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
    Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture
    Effects of the Greenhouse Gases on Plant Physiological Process
    Effects of Higher Temperature
    Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Food Security
    Climate Change Impact on Soil and Water Resources
    Climate Change Impact on Fisheries and Aquaculture
    Interaction between Agricultural and Non-agricultural Ecosystems
    Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change

    Impact of Climate Change on the Global Hydrological Cycle: Implications for Water Resources and Agriculture
    Techniques for Evaluation of the Impacts of Global Warming on Hydrological Cycle
    The Oceans and the Hydrological Cycle
    Emissions and Sinks of Gases Affected by Hydrological Processes
    Effects of Climate Change on the Components of Water Balance
    Effects of Climate Change on River Flows
    Influence of Changing Climate on Flood Frequency
    Changes in Hydrological Drought Frequency
    Changes in Snow and Land Ice
    Changes in Glaciers and Small Ice Caps
    Changes in Quality and Quantity of Water
    Hydrological Cycle and Soil Climate
    Hydrological Cycle and Agricultural Regime Shifts
    Climate Change Impact on Agriculture through Hydrological Changes and Prospects for Adaptation
    Forest and the Global Hydrological Cycle
    Sea-level Rise due to Global Warming

    Soil Carbon Cycle and Impact of Climate Change on Soil Conditions: Implications for Plant Growth and Food Production
    Soil Organic Carbon and its Beneficial Role
    Changes in Agricultural Soil Carbon Stock
    Factors Strengthening Soil Organic Carbon Levels
    Interaction of Soil Carbon Cycle with Water and Nutrient Cycles and Soil Biota
    Building and Sequestration of SOC
    Building Soil Carbon in Cropping System
    Application of Fertilizer
    Soil Microorganisms and Climate Change
    Microbial Contributions to Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    Agronomic-Ecological Interactions with Increasing Levels of Greenhouse Gases
    Effects of Higher CO2 on Soil Fertility and Productivity
    Effects of Rainfall and Temperature Changes on Soils in Different Climates
    Effect of Climate Change on Snow and Soil Temperature in High Latitude
    Climate Change Impacts on Soil Dynamics and Processes: Implications for Agriculture
    Soil Respiration and Global Carbon Cycle
    Resilience against Soil Degradation
    Soil Reaction (pH)
    Adaptation to Climate Change
    Soil Carbon and Sustainability of
    Agricultural System
    Carbon Trading
    Effects of Sea Level Rise on Soils in Coastal
    Wetlands and Associated Agricultural Implications

    Global Climate Change Impact on Agricultural and Livestock Production and Adaptation Strategies for Mitigation
    Effect of Environmental Factors in Association with CO2 on Plant Growth Processes
    CO2 Effects on Plant Growth Process
    Photosynthesis and High Temperature
    Effects of Interaction between Elevated CO2 and Atmospheric Pollutants on Agriculture
    Effects on Soil Fertility and Agricultural Practices
    Human Response to Climate Change
    Response of the Plants to Global Warming—CO2 Fertilization Effect
    Impact of Climatic Change on Agricultural Production
    Crop Growth Simulation Model for Climate Change Impact Assessment
    Agricultural Biodiversity and Climate Change
    Mountain Agriculture and Climate Change
    Vulnerability to Climate Change and its Assessment
    Extent of Adaptability of Agricultural System to Climate Change
    Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change
    Some Possible Adaptation Strategies
    Technological Potential to Adapt
    Livestock Sector under Changing Climate
    Adaptations and Adjustments for Livestock under Changing Climate
    Plant and Animal Genetic Resources in Adapting the Climate Change Effects
    Concluding Remarks

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Measures in Agro-Ecosystems
    Response of Agriculture to Food Demand and
    Emission of Greenhouse Gases
    Physical and Biogeochemical Feedbacks
    Agricultural Sources and Sinks of
    Greenhouse Gases
    Mitigation of Agricultural Emissions of
    Greenhouse Gases
    Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emission
    Reduction of Methane Emission
    Reduction of Nitrous Oxide Emissions

    Land Degradation, Range Degradation and Desertification under Changing Climate
    Land Degradation
    Causes and Processes of Land Degradation
    Climate Change and Land Degradation
    Land Degradation and Food Security under Changing Climate Soil Erosion: Causes and Processes
    Impact of Climate Change on Soil Erosion and Adaptive Strategies for Mitigation
    Nature and Causes of Desertification
    Climate Change and Desertification
    Drought, Land Degradation and Desertification: Implications for Ecosystems and Vegetation
    Desertification and Livelihood Security of Rural Communities
    Adaptation Strategies for Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change on Land Degradation and Desertification
    Importance of Land-Use Change for GHGs Fluxes
    Biofuel and Land Degradation
    Rangeland Degradation
    Causes of Rangeland Degradation
    Agricultural Resources in Rangelands
    Human Adaptation for Rangeland Agriculture to Combat Degradation
    Mitigation Strategies in Rangeland Agriculture to Combat Range Degradation

    Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture and Adaptation Strategies
    Present Fisheries Production, Trends, Threats and Variations in Stock Size
    Marine Fisheries
    Inland Fisheries and Inland Aquaculture
    Influence of Climate on Biological Production in the Sea
    Fluctuation in Diversity and Abundance of Marine Fish
    Fish Productivity and Upwelling
    Impact of El Nino on Fish Productivity
    Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Fisheries
    Impact of Extreme Events on Fisheries and Aquaculture
    Livelihood Security of the Fishing Communities
    Carbon Footprint of Fisheries
    Fisheries Biodiversity and Climate Change
    Vulnerability of Coral Reef
    Future Fish Production
    Identification of Fishing Zone by Remote Sensing Technique
    Adaptation Options for Mitigation of Climate Changes Effects on Fisheries and Aquaculture

    Climate Change Impact on Forests and Adaptation Strategies
    Geographical Shift of Vegetation under Changing Climate
    Forest-Climate Interaction and Feedbacks
    Sensitivity of Forest Ecosystem to Changes in Climate Variables
    Impact of Climate Change on Forests
    Pressure from Air Pollution and Air Quality
    Deforestation and CO2 Emission
    Afforestation/Reforestation and Carbon Sequestration
    Extreme Climates and Forest Disturbances
    Forest Biodiversity and Climate Change
    Forest Biodiversity and Land Degradation under Changing Climate
    Impact on Food Security
    Carbon Mitigation Options by Forest Management
    Adaptation Measures

    Climate Change, Food and Agriculture System, and Global Food Security
    Trends of Agriculture, Population Growth and Food Consumption
    Effects of Elevated CO2 on Plant Physiology
    Effects of Elevated CO2 on Global Food Security
    Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Food Security
    Climate Change and Food Systems: the GECAFS Approach
    Climate Change Impact on Agro-Ecological Conditions and Vulnerability of Food Security
    Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Food Security
    Impact on Water Resources and Food Security
    Adversity of Crop Pest and Diseases and
    Food Security
    Environment Induced Socio-economic Vulnerability and Food Security
    Agricultural Biodiversity and Food Security
    Biofuel Production and Food Security
    Climate Change Models for Use in Impact Studies
    Impact of Climate Change on Risk of Hunger
    Integrated Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies
    Capacity Building
    Conclusions and Future Needs

    Climate Change, Climate Variability and Climate Extremes: Agrometeorological Impact of Extreme Weather Events
    Understanding of Climate Change, Climate Variability and Climate Extremes
    Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes
    Phenomena Related to Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes
    Impact on the Natural Physical Environment
    Socio-economic Impact of Changes in Weather and Climate Extremes
    Agrometeorological Impact of Extreme Weather Events and Mitigation Strategies
    Implications and Future Needs

    Livelihood Strategies of Farmers and Fishers under Changing Climate
    Food Security Concerning Small-scale Farmers and Fishers
    Seasonal Forecasting
    Water Harvesting
    Farmers Adapting to Climate Change
    Extreme Weather Events and Livelihood Concern
    Building Resilience and Improved Livelihoods
    Vulnerability of Subsistence Farmers, Pastoralists and Fisherfolk
    Impact of Climate Change on the Livelihood of Fishers
    Livelihood Diversification for Small-scale Farmers and Fishers
    Conclusions and Ways Forward.


    Dr. H.P. Das, former Deputy Director General of Meteorology of the India Meteorological Department, was in-charge of the Division of Agricultural Meteorology, Pune and in that capacity had been implementing the operational and research programmes of the Division. He has actively participated in many Agricultural Meteorology Programmes of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as Chairman/Leader/Member of several Working Groups and Expert Teams of the WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology. With over 35 years of experience in agrometeorological research and applications and teaching in various aspects of Agricultural Meteorology, Dr. Das has authored over 175 research papers and articles, as well as many book chapters and several other technical publications including WMO Technical Notes and Training materials. He is a recipient of the award of the WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology for his outstanding contributions and exceptional service to the commission. He is currently the Vice-President of the International Society for Agricultural Meteorology (INSAM).