1st Edition

Community Policing

By Evelyn B. Schaffer Copyright 1980

    Originally published in 1980, Community Policing is a view of the relationship between the police and the community, written by Evelyn B. Schaffer, an outsider who had worked very closely with the police. It covers many Forces and projects, particularly in Scotland who pioneered community policing. It explores the various means that police forces were using to get closer to the community at the time, including work with schools and specialist work with juveniles and their families. It also includes a chapter on police training and its effect on community policing.

    Foreword Sir David McNee.  1. Introduction  2. The Police and the Juvenile Offender  3. The Police and the New Legislation  4. The Police and Social Work  5. Community Involvement  6. The Police and the Schools  7. Training  8. The Future.  Appendixes.  Select Bibliography.  Index.


    Evelyn B. Schaffer