1st Edition

Competing Desires India’s Look East and Act East Policy

By Debamita Banerjee Copyright 2023

    India’s Look East policy opened up a new strategic dimension to Indian foreign policy. India had significant cultural and diplomatic linkages with the Southeast Asian nations. But India’s non-aligned diplomatic position created a distance between India and Southeast Asia. The adoption of the Look East Policy led to the establishment of economic and strategic ties with Southeast Asia. The policy was revised in the form of the Act East Policy in 2015 in the face of China’s increasing influence in South and Southeast Asia which posed a threat to India’s security. Moreover the Sino-Pakistan liaison necessitated the strengthening of India-Southeast Asia relations.

    This book is an attempt to trace the development of the Look East Policy, its transition into Act East Policy and its aftermath. These changing parameters will show the decisive impacts on the transformative phases of India’s foreign policy.




    Chapter 1

    Introduction: Prelude and Postlude

    Chapter 2

    Look East Policy: Re-interrogating the World Order

    Chapter 3

    Indian-ASEAN Connectivity: Regionalism, Trade Regime and GPE

    Chapter 4

    Look East Policy Under the UPA government: Phase I and II

    Chapter 5

    Relevance of China Factor in India’s Look East and Act East Policy

    Chapter 6

    National democratic Alliance and Act East Policy

    Chapter 7

    Look East and Act East Policy: Foreshadowing New Geopolitical Destiny of India



    Debamita Banerjee, PHD, Assistant Professor in Political Science, department of Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata. Earlier she was Core Faculty in Political Science, Directorate of Distance Education. She did her Doctorate from Burdwan University, Masters from Jadavpur University and Semester Course on Global Political Economy, University of Kassel, Germany. Awarded Australia India Council Fellowship (2012).