1st Edition

Competitiveness in United States Grain Exports Cost-Effective Shipping Patterns in International Rice Marketing

By Mei M. Zhang Copyright 1996

    First Published in 1996. The United States is one of the major grain producing and exporting countries in the world. The grain provides economic livelihood for many millions of farm families in the world and those engaged in marketing and distribution. Rice is a major crop for the United States in international grain trade though it is not a major crop for consumption. One of the questions the U.S. grain industry has been facing is the question of how to keep its appropriate share in the world market. The purpose of this book is to determine the cost per ton of shipping rice for selected sizes of bulk vessels from various U.S. southern ports of origin to specific foreign import ports. These cost data are then used in a transportation model to estimate a least-cost shipping pattern for U.S. rice exports

    I. Overview, U.S. Rice Production and Exports, Review of Literature, U.S. Shipping Industry, Flag of Registry, The U.S. Cargo Preference Policies, Rice Transportation Vessels, Cargo Vessel Charters, II. The Theoretical Framework, International Trade, Simple Models of Rice Trade, Transportation Cost, Effect of Distance, Ship Size and Trade Volume on Shipping Cost, Role of Transportation Cost in International Trade, III. Estimation of Shipping Cost, Shipping Cost and Measurement, Ports of Origin and Ports of Destination, Lay Days and Days at Sea, Assumptions of the Estimation, The Estimation of Shipping Cost IV. The Transportation Models, Methodology and Data Requirements, Assumptions of the Model, Procedure of the Model, Analysis of the Results V. Summary and Conclusions


    Mei M. Zhang