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Complexity and Management

About the Series

This series explores complexity in the workplace and demonstrates ways of thinking and acting which can make a practical difference to leaders, managers and consultants. Each volume presents insights on a theme of complexity to help leaders and managers make sense of their own participation in the predictable unpredictability of organizational life.

4 Series Titles

Per Page

Complexity and Organisations Researching Practice

Complexity and Organisations: Researching Practice

1st Edition


Edited By Chris Mowles, Kiran Chauhan
November 29, 2024

Virtually everyone accepts that workplaces are complex but there is little insight into how we might engage with complexity more skilfully. If complexity isn’t something that managers can control and leaders cannot harness, then what does a complexity perspective offer? This fourth book in the ...

Complexity and the Public Sector

Complexity and the Public Sector

1st Edition

Edited By Chris Mowles, Karen Norman
October 10, 2022

Since the early 1990s, public sector organisations have been overwhelmed with what has come to be termed New Public Management (NPM) methods. NPM idealises performance, metrics, transparency and marketisation. This book explores some of the tensions which arise in institutions where NPM methods ...

The Complexity of Consultancy Exploring Breakdowns Within Consultancy Practice

The Complexity of Consultancy: Exploring Breakdowns Within Consultancy Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Nicholas Sarra, Karina Solsø, Chris Mowles
September 19, 2022

Consultancy is a lucrative industry dependent on the production and use of tools and techniques which hold out the promise of success for the organisations it supports: transformation, or greater efficiency and effectiveness, perhaps even culture change. However, a critical and important question ...

Complexity and Leadership

Complexity and Leadership

1st Edition

Edited By Kiran Chauhan, Emma Crewe, Chris Mowles
September 12, 2022

Leading organisations in our contemporary world means grappling with unpredictability, painful pressures and continual conflict, all in the context of an acceleration in the pace of change. We expect the impossible from heroic leaders and they rarely live up to expectations. With countless ...

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