1st Edition

Consent Gender, Power and Subjectivity

Edited By Laurie James-Hawkins, Róisín Ryan-Flood Copyright 2024
    346 Pages 5 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    346 Pages 5 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book considers the concept of consent in different contexts with the aim of exploring the nuances of what consent means to different people and in different situations. While it is generally agreed that consent is a fluid concept, legal and social attempts to explain its meaning often centre on overly simplistic, narrow and binary definitions, viewing consent as something that occurs at a specific point in time.

    This book examines the nuances of consent and how it is enacted and re-enacted in different settings (including online spaces) and across time. Consent is most often connected to the idea of sexual assault and is often viewed as a straight-forward concept and one that can be easily explained. Yet there is confusion among the public, as well as among academics and professionals as to what consent truly is and even the degree to which individuals conceptualise and act on their own ideas about consent within their own lives.

    Topics covered include: consent in digital and online interactions, consent in education, consent in legal settings and the legal boundaries of consent, and consent in sexual situations including sex under the influence of substances, BDSM, and kinky sex. This book will appeal to students and scholars interested in issues of consent from the social sciences, gender theory, feminist studies, law, psychology, public health, and sexuality studies.


    Rosalind Gill


    Laurie James-Hawkins and Róisín Ryan-Flood

    Part I: Cultural Representations of Consent

    1. The Whiteness of Consent

    Jordan Pascoe

    2. Literatures of Consent

    Samantha Wallace

    3. SM, the law & an opaque sexual consent narrative

    Alexandra Grolimund

    4. What’s in a Name (or Even Pronoun)?

    EJ Francis Caris-Hamer

    Part II: Shifting Meanings of Consent

    5. “What do I Call This?”: The Role of Consent in LGBTQA+ Sexual Practices and Victimization Experiences

    Brooke de Heer

    6. How Drunk is “Too Drunk” to Consent? A Summary of Research on Alcohol Intoxication and Sexual Consent

    Kristen Jozkowski and Carli Hoffacker

    7. Two Wrongs Make it Right: Perceptions of Intoxicated Consent

    Laurie James-Hawkins and Veronica Lamarche

    8. An Approach to Developing Shared Understandings of Consent with Young People

    Cristyn Davies, Kerry H. Robinson, Melissa Kang with The Wellbeing, Health & Youth (WH&Y) Commission

    Part III: Women's Bodies and the Narrative of Consent

    9. The Right to Withdraw Consent to Continuing an Unwanted Pregnancy

    Aoife Duffy

    10. Unlearning Agreement: Imagining the Law without Consent

    Patricia Palacios Zuloaga

    11. Consent work: Facilitating Informed Consent in Labour and Childbirth

    Laura Pascoe

    12. Consent and Work: A Postfeminist Analysis of Women’s Acquiescence to long working hours

    Patricia Lewis

    Part IV: Consent in a Digital World

    13. Consent isn’t just a girl’s thing: consent and image based sexual abuse

    Claire Meehan

    14. Negotiating consent in online kinky spaces

    Liam Wignall and Mark McCormack

    15. Molka: Consent, Resistance, and the Spy-Cam Epidemic in South Korea

    Sarah Molisso

    16. Negotiating power, pleasure and agency in online sex work: Unpacking what “consent” means in the context of “camming”

    Panteá Farvid, Rebekah Nathan, Juliana Riccardi and Abigail Whitmer

    Part V: Legal and Political Representations of Consent

    17. Sex games gone wrong: Consent in the Courts

    Alexandra Fanghanel

    18. The mediation of school-based consent education debates in Australia

    Kellie Burns, Suzanne Egan, Hannah Hayes and Victoria Rawlings

    19. Sex work politics and consent: The consequences of sexual morality

    Helen Rand and Jessica Simpson

    20. Crossing Boundaries and Consent: sex offending and criminalised disabled adults

    Chrissie Rogers

    21. Whose Consent?: Donor Conception, Anonymity and Rights

    Róisín Ryan-Flood


    Laurie James-Hawkins is the Social Science Faculty Dean for Undergraduate Education, a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Sociology, and Deputy Director for the Centre for Intimate and Sexual Citizenship (CISC) at the University of Essex. She is a Sociologist of health and gender, and her research interests include sexual consent, reproductive health, contraception, abortion, gender, sexuality, and hookup culture among emerging adults. In the last several years she has been studying the impact of alcohol on university student definitions of sexual consent. Her recent publications include "Just one shot? The contextual effects of matched and unmatched intoxication on perceptions of consent in ambiguous alcohol-fuelled sexual encounters."

    Róisín Ryan-Flood is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for Intimate and Sexual Citizenship (CISC) at the University of Essex. Her research interests include gender, sexuality, kinship, digital intimacies, and feminist epistemology. She is the author of Lesbian Motherhood: Gender, Sexuality and Citizenship (2009), and co-editor of Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process (2010) and Transnationalising Reproduction (2018). She is also co-editor of the journal Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society.

    "This book troubles the concept of consent in a wide variety of contexts. Using multiple interdisciplinary perspectives, it offers a significant intervention in the contemporary public and academic conversations on the use of consent.
    Focusing on interpersonal relations, institutions, and social structures, from the public toilets in South Korea, to kink and BDSM communities, to workers in the City working long hours, to the law in different nation states, these scholarly approaches work together so that consent also becomes a prism to make sense of regimes of power and their intersection with intimate experience.
    Each chapter builds upon and talks to each other unpacking the concept and the often reductive ways consent has been deployed – for example to reproduce intersecting axes of oppression – and ways that it can be extended to support individuals’ and communities’ rights. There are a wide range of methodologies including ethnographic, autoethnographic and theoretical approaches.
    This book is politically driven with the aim to intervene in real world contexts. Extremely readable, exciting, and constructed through an ethics of care, this book is a cohesive set of essays showcasing distinctive voices."

    Alison WinchGoldsmiths University of London, UK