1st Edition

Conservative Politics in France

By Malcolm Anderson Copyright 1974

    First published in 1974 Conservative Politics in France gives a scholarly account of politics in France from 1880 to the present and explains the way in which the Right has evolved from a collection of weak and transitory political associations to the relatively well – organised Gaullist coalition. Exciting patterns of interaction between personal careers, political events, and party organisation have characterised this period. War and colonial conflict have brought an end not only to regimes but also to political parties. The lingering influences of an aristocracy and bourgeoisie de tradition, and the survival of a large peasantry and local social systems preserved peculiar styles of politics.

    The first great wave of party building at the beginning of the twentieth century produced organisations ranging from the doctrinaire anti-parliamentary league to the loose electoral association. The Fourth Republic saw another wave of party building but only since 1958 has a party emerged which can attract most of the moderate and conservative electorate. No other book has attempted to cover this historical period and to give detail accounts of local as well as national political structures. This is an interesting read for scholars and researchers of French political history, French politics, and European politics.

    Acknowledgements Preface Introduction 1. The Course of Conservative Politics: Men and Issues, 1880-1958 2. Conservative Societies 3. Political Organisation at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century 4. Aspirations and Initiatives in the Inter-War Years 5. The ‘Party of Independents’ and the Parliamentary Right During the Fourth and Fifth Republics 6. The Extreme Right after the Second World War 7. Gaullist Parties Conclusion Bibliography Index


    Malcolm Anderson