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Contemporary Security Studies

About the Series

This series focuses on new research across the spectrum of international peace and security, in an era where each year throws up multiple examples of conflicts that present new security challenges in the world around them.

140 Series Titles

Per Page

Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism The Origins and Dynamics of Civil Wars

Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism: The Origins and Dynamics of Civil Wars

1st Edition

By Joseph Soeters
October 27, 2005

In the early 1990s a number of violent civil wars and large-scale ethnic crises shocked the world. In Rwanda, Bosnia, Chechnya and elsewhere atrocities were committed that led to hundreds of thousands of dead and displaced people. Explaining the origins and dynamics of such inhuman actions ...

Turkey and the War on Terror 'For Forty Years We Fought Alone'

Turkey and the War on Terror: 'For Forty Years We Fought Alone'

1st Edition

By Andrew Mango
September 27, 2005

Since the 1970s, Turkey has suffered 35,000 deaths through terrorism, yet the PKK terror group was only recognized as such by the European Union in 2002. The realization that terrorism poses a world-wide threat is now forcing a keen reassessment of the struggle which Turkey has had to wage with ...

Propaganda, the Press and Conflict The Gulf War and Kosovo

Propaganda, the Press and Conflict: The Gulf War and Kosovo

1st Edition

By David R. Willcox
July 19, 2005

An incisive analysis of the use of the press for propaganda purposes during conflicts, using the first Gulf War and the intervention in Kosovo as case studies. As the contemporary analysis of propaganda during conflict has tended to focus considerably upon visual and instant media ...

The Political Economy of Peacebuilding in Post-Dayton Bosnia

The Political Economy of Peacebuilding in Post-Dayton Bosnia

1st Edition

By Tim Donais
August 01, 2005

A fresh examination of the political economy of the peacebuilding process in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the aftermath of the country's 1992-95 war. Little progress has been made in transforming the country's war-shattered economy into a functioning market economy, this new study explains ...

NATO's Secret Armies Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe

NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe

1st Edition

By Daniele Ganser
February 03, 2005

This fascinating new study shows how the CIA and the British secret service, in collaboration with the military alliance NATO and European military secret services, set up a network of clandestine anti-communist armies in Western Europe after World War II. These secret soldiers were trained ...

Rethinking the Nature of War

Rethinking the Nature of War

1st Edition

By Jan Angstrom, Isabelle Duyvesteyn
December 23, 2004

Have globalization, virulent ethnic differences, and globally operating insurgents fundamentally changed the nature of war in the last decade? Interpretations of war as driven by politics and state rationale, formulated most importantly by the 19th century practitioner Carl von Clausewitz, have ...

Russian Governance in the 21st Century Geo-Strategy, Geopolitics and New Governance

Russian Governance in the 21st Century: Geo-Strategy, Geopolitics and New Governance

1st Edition

By Irina Isakova
January 11, 2005

A stimulating new analysis of the dramatic systemic changes of the Russian state, principles of the governance and its foreign policy orientation. It reviews the extent of changes in Russian approaches to geopolitics and the most appropriate geopolitical development patterns that influenced ...

Russian Governance in the 21st Century Geo-Strategy, Geopolitics and New Governance

Russian Governance in the 21st Century: Geo-Strategy, Geopolitics and New Governance

1st Edition

By Irina Isakova
January 11, 2005

First published in 2006. A stimulating new analysis of the dramatic systemic changes of the Russian state, principles of the governance and its foreign policy orientation. It reviews the extent of changes in Russian approaches to geopolitics and the most appropriate geopolitical development ...

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