1st Edition

Controlling High Blood Pressure through Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Lifestyle, and Drugs

By Mark C. Houston, Lee Bell Copyright 2021
    302 Pages 35 Color & 1 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    302 Pages 35 Color & 1 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    302 Pages 35 Color & 1 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Controlling High Blood Pressure through Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Lifestyle, and Drugs helps prevent and treat high blood pressure and hypertension, the most common primary diagnosis in the United States and a leading cause of heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, and stroke.

    Written by two leading experts in nutrition and hypertension, it takes an integrative and evidence-based approach based on scientific research and clinical studies. It explains what causes high blood pressure and includes easy-to-follow solutions for patients that help to treat and prevent it. These include:

    • The ideal drugs to reduce blood pressure with fewest side effects and optimal efficacy
    • A nutrition program to reduce weight and lower the risk of a cardiovascular problem
    • A comprehensive review of nutritional supplements to improve blood pressure control and reduce cardiovascular disease
    • A review of lifestyle changes to improve blood pressure such as a detailed exercise program.

    This book is for doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths, pharmacists and other health practitioners as well as anyone with a family history of hypertension or overt blood pressure issues that would like to make better and healthier lifestyle choices.

    Chapter 1 - Prevention of High Blood Pressure. Do Not Let This Happen to You. Actual Patient Cases of High Blood Pressure from the Hypertension Institute
    Chapter 2 - The Hypertension Institute Program to Lower Your Blood Pressure: Summary
    Chapter 3 - What is Hypertension and How is it Measured?
    Chapter 4 - The Arteries, the Endothelium, Endothelial Dysfunction, Nitric Oxide, and Hypertension
    Chapter 5 - The Three Finite Vascular Responses That Cause Hypertension: Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Vascular Immune Dysfunction
    Chapter 6 - The Balance of Hypertension: Injury and Repair
    Chapter 7 - The Hypertension Syndrome: The Hypertension Partners and Special Forms of Hypertension: White Coat Hypertension and Masked Hypertension and Gender Differences in Hypertension
    Chapter 8 - How Does Excess Blood Pressure Harm Us?: Cardiovascular Diseases and Hypertension
    Chapter 9 - Clinical Symptoms, Signs, Blood Tests, and Noninvasive Vascular Testing for Hypertension and Cardiovascular
    Chapter 10 - Genes, Gene Expression, Environment, and Hypertension: What You Can Expect When Your Blood Pressure Is Reduced
    Chapter 11 - Genetics, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular Disease
    Chapter 12 - Guidelines for the Treatment of Hypertension and the Hypertension Institute Program and Approach
    Chapter 13 - Beyond the Dash I and Dash II Diets
    Chapter 14 - Putting Nutrition to Work to Lower Your Blood Pressure: The Practical Steps and Solutions
    Chapter 15 - Treatment of Hypertension with Nutraceutical (Nutritional) Supplements
    Chapter 16 - Life Style Changes and Blood Pressure: Non-pharmacologic (Drug) Treatment of High Blood Pressure
    Chapter 17 - Pharmacologic (Drug) Treatment for Hypertension
    Chapter 18 - Workbook: What is Your Risk for Hypertension?
    Chapter 19 - Grand Summary and Conclusions


    MARK C. HOUSTON, MD, MS, MSc, FACP, FAHA, FASH, FACN, ABAARM, FAARM, DABC, is the Director of the Hypertension Institute and Vascular Biology, Medical Director of the Division of Human Nutrition and Medical Director of Clinical Research at the Hypertension Institute in Nashville, TN. He is a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Health Care Sciences at George Washington University (GWU) School of Medicine and Health Science. He served as an Assistant Professor of Medicine then as an Associate Professor of Medicine from 1978-1990 at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and was Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, (VUMS) (1990-2012). He has four board certifications by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), the American Society of Hypertension (ASH) (FASH-Fellow), the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM, FAARM) and American Board of Cardiology (ABC) Certification in Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease (DABC). He holds two Masters of Science degrees in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, CT (MS) and another in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine (University of South Florida School of Medicine-Tampa (MSc). He was selected as one of the top physicians in the US in Cardiovascular Medicine in 2018 by the US Consumer Research Council. Dr Houston was also was named as one of the Top Physicians in Hypertension in the US in 2008-2014 by the Consumer Research Council. He was honored by USA Today as one of the Most Influential Doctors in the US in both Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia twice in 2009- 2010. He was selected as The Patient’s Choice Award in 2010 -2012 by Consumer Reports USA. He was selected one of the Top 100 physicians in the US by the American Health Council in 2017 and one of the Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors in the USA in August 2017. He was also named one of America’s Best Physicians in Cardiology 2018 by the National Consumer Advisory Board. In 2019 he was elected to the Continental WHO’S WHO as a Top Doctor in the field of Medicine as the Medical Director and Founder of the Hypertension Institute. Dr. Houston has presented over 10,000 lectures, nationally and internationally and published over 250 medical articles, scientific abstracts in peer reviewed medical journals, books and book chapters. He is an author, teacher, clinician and researcher. He has published nine books.

    LEE BELL, NC, BCHN, is board certified in holistic nutrition, earned a Bachelor’s degree from University of Southern California and is also a graduate of the Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition in Berkeley, CA. She is a member of both the NANP, National Association of Nutrition Professionals and the AANC, American Association of Nutrition Consultants. Lee has completed Dr. Ben Lynch’s program on Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics as well as the Institute for Functional Medicine’s Methylation Strategies in the Clinical Management of Depression and Cardiovascular Disease. She holds certification in plant-based nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Institute at Cornell University. Lee is the former Director of Nutrition for Attune Health in Beverly Hills, CA, a clinic devoted to autoimmune and inflammation care and research. Further, she’s served as a nutrition consultant for CARD, the Center for Autism Related Disorders.

    "In this second edition of the book, Dr. Houston confirms his stature as master of making the complex understandable, of turning worries into easy and practical action items, and in providing a comprehensive guide for health that goes well beyond blood pressure control. This book is for doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths, pharmacists, and most importantly for all the regular people who understand that high blood pressure is the insidious agent most likely to sabotage our health. I cannot think of another book where all the components of blood pressure control are discussed so thoroughly and clearly."

    - Sergio Fazio, MD, PhD, William and Sonja Connor Chair of Preventive Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, Director of Preventive Cardiology, Knight Cardiovascular Institute Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR

    "Why wait for a heart attack? Follow Dr. Houston’s excellent advice and restore the health of your cardiovascular system now."

    - Dr. Joe Pizzorno, Author, The Toxin Solution, Co-Author, Textbook of Natural Medicine

    "Dr. Mark Houston is perhaps the best hypertensive physician expert in the world! He not only brings enormous clinical experience to the table in treating thousands of patients, but also teaches physicians, performs and publishes clinical studies, while writing books for the lay public at the same time. If I had high blood pressure, I would consult with him in a heartbeat! This book is a great place to start for anyone with a family history of hypertension or overt blood pressure issues. Highly recommended! "

    - Dr. Steve Sinatra, Cardiologist.    

    "If you, or someone you know, is living with high blood pressure or heart disease, this is the book you must read. Evidence based and approachable, I’ll be recommending it to all my patients, as well as my colleagues." 

    - Tieraona Low Dog, MD

    " If I had to recommend only one required reading for every American this year, it would be "What You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure" by Dr. Mark Houston and Lee Bell. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) remains the number one killer of men and women worldwide and high blood pressure is the #1 leading MODIFIABLE risk factor for CVD. Two out of every three Americans have an unsafe elevation in blood pressure, even those that are treated with prescription medications. We know that more drugs are not the answer. This book described how YOU, each individual person, can take control of your own health and make simple changes that will save your life.  Dr. Houston is a unique physician and teacher that explains complex biology in a very simple easy to understand language. Most importantly, he teaches you how to implement simple, scientifically and clinically proven changes in your diet and lifestyle that can reverse hypertension and significantly decrease your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease."  

    - Nathan Bryan PhD

    "Dr Houston offers an evidenced based approach to hypertension.Whether you are a patient or clinician this book contains a step by step approach not available in conventional medical practice. Learn to transform your health through the power of lifestyle medicine."

    - Mimi Guarneri MD FACC, Pres. Academy Integrative Health and Medicine, Med. Director Guarneri Integrative Health

    Hypertension is the most common and modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Rather than a disease, hypertension is a manifestation of an abnormal vascular system. Therein is both the problem and opportunity: we need a systems biology approach to address the root cause, and that's what Dr. Mark Houston uniquely provides. He is my go-to expert on hypertension, a world-class leader in precision and personalized medicine for cardiovascular health. This book can help you meet the latest criteria for normal blood pressure with evidence-based diet, lifestyle, and nutraceutical recommendations—and limit your risk of scary downstream consequences, including stroke, heart attack, and dementia.

    - Sara Gottfried MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Hormone Cure, The Hormone Reset Diet, and Younger

    Written by expert specialists in both medicine and nutrition, Controlling High Blood Pressure through Nutrition, Supplements, Lifestyle and Drugs is intended for medical professionals and lay readers alike. Impressing the need of more effective measures against high blood pressure that can benefit the general population, chapters discuss how high blood pressure is harmful, clinical symptoms of hypertension, the limitations of the DASH diet ("Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension" promoted by the US-based National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), an extensive list of nutritional supplements and what is known about their potential benefits or drawbacks, a survey of drugs used to treat hypertension, and much more. An index rounds out this highly informative resource especially recommended for college libraries and hypertension patients seeking to learn all they can about how to improve their lifestyle and well-being. It should be noted for personal reading lists that Controlling High Blood Pressure through Nutrition, Supplements, Lifestyle and Drugs is also available in a Kindle edition.

    - James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Midwest Book Review