1st Edition

Controversies in White-Collar Crime

By Gary Potter Copyright 2001
    276 Pages
    by Routledge

    278 Pages
    by Routledge

    Original writings explore the issue of white-collar crime and the controversies that surround it, focusing on the vastness of state-corporate and white-collar crime, the victimization that results, and the ways these crimes affect society environmentally, politically, economically and personally.

    1. Thinking About White-Collar Crime 2. White-Collar Crime 3. State-Corporate Crime in a Globalized World: Myth or Major Challenge? 4. Toward an Understanding of Academic Deviance 5. A Critical Model for the Study of Resource Colonialism and Native Resistance 6. Toxic Crimes and Environmental Justice: Examining the Hidden Dangers of Hazardous Waste 7. The Scandalization of America: Political Corruption in the Postmodern Era 8. Downsized by Law, Ideology and Pragmatics – Policing White-Collar Crime 9. Globalization, State-Corporate Crime, and Women: The Strategic Role of Women’s NGOs in the New World Order 10. States, Corporations and the ‘New’ World Order


    Gary Potter