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Critical Interventions: Politics, Culture, and the Promise of Democracy

18 Series Titles

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Elsewhere in America The Crisis of Belonging in Contemporary Culture

Elsewhere in America: The Crisis of Belonging in Contemporary Culture

1st Edition

By David Trend
May 09, 2016

Americans think of their country as a welcoming place where everyone has equal opportunity. Yet historical baggage and anxious times can restrain these possibilities. Newcomers often find that civic belonging comes with strings attached––riddled with limitations or legally punitive rites of passage...

The Great Inequality

The Great Inequality

1st Edition

By Michael Yates
January 28, 2016

A growing inequality in income and wealth marks modern capitalism, and it negatively affects nearly every aspect of our lives, especially those of the working class. It is and will continue to be the central issue of politics in almost every nation on earth. In this book, the author explains ...

Failure of Corporate School Reform

Failure of Corporate School Reform

1st Edition

By Kenneth J. Saltman
December 30, 2012

Corporate school reforms, especially privatization, union busting, and high-stakes testing have been hailed as the last best hope for public education. Yet, as Kenneth Saltman powerfully argues in this new book, corporate school reforms have decisively failed to deliver on what their proponents ...

Toward a New Common School Movement

Toward a New Common School Movement

1st Edition

By Noah De Lissovoy, Alexander J Means, Kenneth J. Saltman
February 27, 2015

Toward a New Common School Movement is a bold and urgent call to action.The authors argue that corporate school reform in the United States represents a failed project subverted by profiteering, corruption, and educational inequalities.Toward a New Common School Movement suggests that educational ...

Youth in Revolt Reclaiming a Democratic Future

Youth in Revolt: Reclaiming a Democratic Future

1st Edition

By Henry A. Giroux
March 30, 2013

Recently, American youth have demonstrated en masse about a variety of issues ranging from economic injustice and massive inequality to drastic cuts in education and public services. Youth in Revolt chronicles the escalating backlash against dissent and peaceful protest while exposing a lack of ...

Twilight of the Social Resurgent Politics in an Age of Disposability?

Twilight of the Social: Resurgent Politics in an Age of Disposability?

1st Edition

By Henry A. Giroux
December 30, 2011

In The Twilight of the Social, Henry A. Giroux looks at the decline of social spaces which enable grievances to be dealt with and considers new ways in which citizens can create social spaces today. After decades of neoliberalism, today's young people lack a voice and are saddled with economic, ...

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