1st Edition

Critical Thinking on Youth Participatory Action Research Participation, Power, and Purpose

Edited By Thomas Albright, Gretchen Brion-Meisels Copyright 2025
    196 Pages
    by Routledge

    196 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book draws together insights on the past, present, and future of youth participatory action research (YPAR) through interviews with ten scholars whose work has been central to the field. In this critical moment, it allows readers to hear from scholars who have been foundational to the visioning and enacting of YPAR projects, as they reflect on the fundamental tenets and boundaries of their work.

    By engaging directly with leaders in the field, the book allows readers to explore many of the nuances, roots, and tensions of youth participatory action research. Throughout their conversations with scholars, Albright and Brion-Meisels pose three questions: What is the purpose of YPAR, and how does it get defined? What makes for authentic participation, both on the research team itself and in the process of the research? And how, if at all, does YPAR investigate and seek to dismantle existing power structures within schools and communities? In taking an intentionally dialectical approach, this volume builds on the centrality of dialogue in PAR/YPAR processes, both in terms of pedagogy/mode and in terms of content/matter. By sharing direct excerpts of conversations, readers can participate in the co-construction of knowledge, and gain more nuanced understandings of how purpose, participation, and power have shaped the foundations of YPAR, and how they might shape future collaborations.

    Elucidating the knowledge and perspective of leading YPAR practitioners, this timely book will be crucial reading on Research Methods and Education for Participatory Action Research programs and related courses.

    About the Authors


    Preface and Introduction: Wandering, Wondering, and Answerability in YPAR: A Conversation Between Thomas Albright and Gretchen Brion-Meisels

          Thomas Albright

          Gretchen Brion-Meisels


    Chapter 1 – From Democratic Participation to Cariño: Exploring the Core Commitments of Foundational Scholars in the Field of Youth Participatory Action Research

          Thomas Albright

          Gretchen Brion-Meisels


    Chapter 2 – Ancestors, honoring indigeneity, and terribly inconvenient questions for the academy: A conversation with Jeff Duncan-Andrade

          Thomas Albright

    Jeff Duncan-Andrade


    Chapter 3 – “The relationships are taking precedence”: A conversation with Jennifer Ayala

          Gretchen Brion-Meisels

    Jennifer Ayala


    Chapter 4 – “Participation, Process & Product”: A conversation with Ben Kirshner

          Gretchen Brion-Meisels

          Ben Kirshner


    Chapter 5 – “It’s Not Linear”: A conversation with Emily Ozer and Elizabeth Hubbard

          Thomas Albright

          Emily Ozer

          Elizabeth Hubbard


    Chapter 6 – Process over Product: A conversation with David Stovall

          Thomas Albright

          David Stovall


    Chapter 7 – “How do we be non-experts together?”: A conversation with Kathryn Herr

          Thomas Albright

          Kathryn Herr


    Chapter 8 – Complex Entanglements: Process, Support, and Presence: A conversation with Nicole Mirra

          Thomas Albright

          Nicole Mirra


    Chapter 9 – “A Constant Negotiating of People, Purpose, and Power”: A conversation with Limarys Caraballo

          Thomas Albright

          Limarys Caraballo

    Chapter 10 – “My Faith is in the Community and the People: YPAR in Out of School Spaces”: A conversation with Dr. J Lyiscott

          Thomas Albright

          J. Lyiscott


    Conclusion: Letter to a Young Scholar

          Gretchen Brion-Meisels

          Thomas Albright


    Appendix A


    Thomas Albright is an Assistant Research Professor in Middle and Secondary Education at Georgia State University, USA. Albright’s scholarship is steeped in Black Studies, Ethnic Studies, youth participatory action research, posthumanism, post-qualitative, critical qualitative methodologies, and social justice education. Albright’s current research includes exploring youth inquiry as a form of resistance to schooling, a posthumanism accounting of schooling, and examining issues of racial and social justice within teacher education.

    Gretchen Brion-Meisels is a Senior Lecturer on Education and Faculty Co-Chair of Identity, Power, and Justice in Education concentration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA. Brion-Meisels is also a former middle-school educator. Her research seeks to explore partnerships between youth and adults that support collective well-being. She is particularly interested in intergenerational, critical participatory action research that investigates issues of educational justice in school settings.