174 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1972, this book is an account of the events which led Humphry Berkeley to join the Labour Party after seven years a Conservative Member of Parliament and twenty years as a member of the Conservative Party. Starting with his own political origins he shows the consistency of his internationalist and humanitarian philosophy against the background of the issues with which he was most concerned: abroad – Africa, the Commonwealth, the United Nations; at home – immigration, race, social reform. During his political career the author came into close contact with may of the leading figures of British politics and the book devotes chapters to a personal view of Macmillan, Butler, Macleod, Heath and Wilson. The book gives a vivid picture of UK political life in the 20th Century and illustrates the character of each of the 2 main Parties, showing also the conflicts facing a politician fighting to retain both his persona integrity and the means to play a leading role in Party politics.

    1.My Political Background 2. The Conservative Party 3. Immigration and Race 4. The African Story 5. The Commonwealth Link 6. The United Nations 7. Harold Macmillan 8. R.A. Butler 9. Iain Macleod 10. Edward Heath 11. Harold Wilson 12. Private Members Bills 13. Ambition and Office.


    Humphry Berkeley (1926-1994) was a British politician. He was well-known for his 3 changes of political parties and his early support for gay rights. In 1966, he introduced, and obtained a Second Reading for, the Sexual Offences Bill in the House of Commons. He was a sponsor of the Abolition of the Death Penalty Act. He was vice-President of the Anti-Apartheid Movement and Hon. Treasurer of the Howard League for Penal Reform.

    Original reviews of France in World Politics:

    ‘…the introduction … [which] is a useful summary of France's main foreign-policy problems; the treatment of France and the chapters on francophonie offer intelligent insights.’ Choice

    ‘What  it  does  do  extremely  well  is  to  look  in  depth  at wider webs  of  French  interests  and  influence  -  interventionism  in  Africa,' co-operation'  versus  'dependence'  in  relations  with  the  Third  World  in general, the 'remnants of empire' (Overseas Departments and Territories),and  'francophonie'  (cultural ties with a much wider range  of countries). Philip G. Cerny, West European Politics, 13: 4 (1990).