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Current Trends in Antimicrobial Research

5 Series Titles

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Antimicrobials in Environment

Antimicrobials in Environment

1st Edition


Edited By Arti Gupta, Ram Prasad
November 25, 2024

This book provides a multidisciplinary coverage of all manifestations of antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance technology to promote eco-friendly processes and techniques for environmental sustainability. It covers various aspects of the multidisciplinary framework applying principles of ...

Antimicrobials in Agriculture

Antimicrobials in Agriculture

1st Edition

Edited By Arti Gupta, Ram Prasad
June 12, 2024

This book offers comprehensive coverage of all manifestations of resistance in combating infectious diseases and explores advances in antimicrobials in agriculture and their applications in the fight against microbes. According to the World Health Organization, antimicrobial resistance is a major ...

Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture and its Consequences

Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture and its Consequences

1st Edition

Edited By Arti Gupta, Ram Prasad
February 29, 2024

This book offers comprehensive coverage of all manifestations of resistance in combating infectious diseases and explores advances in antimicrobial resistance in agriculture and their applications in the fight against microbes. It discusses and compares biological, biochemical, and structural ...

Antimicrobials in Food Science and Technology

Antimicrobials in Food Science and Technology

1st Edition

Edited By Arti Gupta, Ram Prasad
November 20, 2023

The demands of producing high-quality, pathogen-free food rely increasingly on natural sources of antimicrobials to inhibit food spoilage organisms, foodborne pathogens, and toxins. The recent developments and innovations of new antimicrobials from natural sources for a wide range of applications ...

Antimicrobials in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research

Antimicrobials in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research

1st Edition

Edited By Arti Gupta, Ram Prasad
April 03, 2023

The need for state-of-the-art antimicrobial agents is greater than ever because of the development of multidrug resistance in communal pathogens, the rapid rise of new infections, and the potential for use of multidrug-resistant agents in biological protection. Although the need for novel ...

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