256 Pages
    by Routledge

    As a psychiatric term ‘depression’ dates back only as far as the mid-nineteenth century. Before then a wide range of terms were used: ‘melancholy’ carried enormous weight, and was one of the two confirmed forms of eighteenth-century insanity. This four-volume set is the first large-scale study of depression across an extensive period.

    Acknowledgements, General Introduction, A Note on the Texts, Introduction, Select Bibliography, Henry More, Divine Dialogues (1668), Edward Fowler, Th e Principles and Practices of Certain Moderate Divines of the Church of England (1670), Richard Baxter, Gods Goodness, Vindicated (1671), Joseph Glanvill, Anti-Fanatical Religion, and Free Philosophy (1676), Richard Baxter, Th e Cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow by Faith and Physick (1683), Frances Norton, Memento Mori: or, Meditations on Death (1705), Richard Davies, An Account of the Convincement, Exercises, Services and Travels of that Ancient Servant of the Lord, Richard Davies (1710), John Stevenson, A Rare Soul Strengthning (1729), William Crawford, Zion’s Traveller: or Th e Soul’s Progress to Heaven (1729), Samuel Clarke, Sermon XIV. Of Religious Melancholy (1731), Anne Dutton, A Brief Account of the Gracious Dealings of God with a Poor, Sinful, Unworthy Creature (1750), John Wesley, Th e Wilderness State. Heaviness thro’ Manifold Temptations (1760), John Langhorne, Letters on Religious Retirement, Melancholy and Enthusiasm (1762), Elisabeth West, Memoirs, or Spiritual Exercises of Elisabeth West (1766), Benjamin Fawcett, Observations on the Nature, Causes and Cure of Melancholy (1780), John Howie, Memoirs of the Life of John Howie (1796), Editorial Notes


    Leigh Wetherall Dickson, Allan Ingram, David Walker, Anita O'Connell, Michelle Faubert