304 Pages
    by Routledge

    As a psychiatric term ‘depression’ dates back only as far as the mid-nineteenth century. Before then a wide range of terms were used: ‘melancholy’ carried enormous weight, and was one of the two confirmed forms of eighteenth-century insanity. This four-volume set is the first large-scale study of depression across an extensive period.

    Introduction, Select Bibliography, Gideon Harvey, Morbus Anglicus: or, Th e Anatomy of Consumptions (1666), T omas Willis, Dr. Willis’s Receipts for the Cure of all Distempers (1701), David Irish, Levamen Infirmi: or, Cordial Counsel to the Sick and Diseased (1700), ‘Sir John Midriff ’, Observations on the Spleen and Vapours (1721), Anon., A Treatise of the Diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nerves (1721), William Stukeley, Of the Spleen (1723), Sir Richard Blackmore, A Treatise of the Spleen and Vapours (1725), John Woodward, Select Cases, and Consultations, in Physick (1757), Richard Browne, Medicina Musica (1729), Edward Synge, Sober Thoughts for the Cure of Melancholy, especially that which is Religious (1749), Anon., A Treatise on the Dismal Effects of Low-Spiritedness (1750), Robert Whytt, Observations on the Nature, Causes, and Cure of those Disorders which have been commonly called Nervous Hypochondriac, or Hysteric (1765), William Smith, A Dissertation upon the Nerves (1768), ‘William Wishwell’, A Cure for Melancholy (1777), John Leake, Medical Instructions Towards the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases Peculiar to Women (1781), Benjamin Fawcett, Observations on the Nature, Causes and Cure of Melancholy (1780), Friedrich Hoffmann, A System of the Practice of Medicine (1783), John Wesley, Thoughts on Nervous Disorders (1784), vi Depression and Melancholy, 1660–1800: Volume 2 William Perfect, Cases of Insanity, the Epilepsy, Hypochondriacal Affection, Hysteric Passion, and Nervous Disorders (1785), William Rowley, A Treatise on Female, Nervous, Hysterical, Hypochondriacal, Bilious, Convulsive Diseases (1788), Glossary, Editorial Notes


    Leigh Wetherall Dickson, Allan Ingram, David Walker, Anita O'Connell, Michelle Faubert