400 Pages
    by Routledge

    As a psychiatric term ‘depression’ dates back only as far as the mid-nineteenth century. Before then a wide range of terms were used: ‘melancholy’ carried enormous weight, and was one of the two confirmed forms of eighteenth-century insanity. This four-volume set is the first large-scale study of depression across an extensive period.

    Introduction, Select Bibliography, Anon., Thee Lovers Mad Fits and Fancies ([c. 1663–5]), Anon., Thee Discontented Plow-Man ([c. 1674–9]), Anon., Thee Love-Sick Maid; or Cordelia’s Lament ([c. 1670]), Anon., Thee Lovesick Maid of Waping ([c. 1682–8]), Charles Gildon, Thee Post-Boy Robb’d of his Mail (1706), Edward Ward, Nuptial Dialogues and Debates (1710), Theomas D’Urfey, Thee Comical History of Don Quixote (1729), Theomas Gordon, Thee Humourist. Essays upon Several Subjects (1730), Anon., Thee Hyp (1737), Wetenhall Wilkes, Thee Humours of the Black-Dog (1737), Anon., Thee Temple of Dulness (1745), Theomas Sheridan, Thee Simile: or, Woman a Cloud. A Poem (1748), Anon., ‘Society of the Court of Comus’ (1757), Joseph Bromehead, Thee Melancholy Student. An Elegiac Poem ([1765/9]), Ashley Cowper, ‘To a Lady’ (1767), Pierre John Grosley, A Tour to London (1772), [Matthew Green], Thee Wag: or Life of Humour, and the Soul of Whim. ‘Thee Spleen An Epistle’ (1773), J. M. [ James Murray], Thee Travels of the Imagination. A True Journey from Newcastle to London (1773), Anon., Mirth, A Poem in Answer to Warton’s Pleasures of Melancholy ([1774]), George Colman, Thee Spleen, or Islington Spa (1776), John Rubrick [William Kenrick], Thee Spleen, or the Off spring of Folly (1776), H. Bate Dudley [Sir Henry Bate], Thee Magic Picture, A Play (1783), Robert Sadler, Wanley Penson; or, Thee Melancholy Man (1792), Edward Walsh, ‘Ode to Hypochondria’ (1793), Theomas Bellamy, Sadaski; or, Thee Wandering Penitent (1798), vi Depression and Melancholy, 1660–1800: Volume 4 John Macgowen, Infernal Conference, or, Dialogues wiTheDevils (1799), Anon., Thee Budget of Momus (1800), C.C., A Melancholy but True Story ([1800]), Charles Kemble, Thee Point of Honour (1800), Anon., ‘Thee Man of Spleen’, Thee Governess, or Evening Amusements at a Boarding School (1800), Editorial Notes, Index


    Leigh Wetherall Dickson, Allan Ingram, David Walker, Anita O'Connell, Michelle Faubert