1st Edition

Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage Insights from Research and Practice in Europe

    262 Pages 27 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    262 Pages 27 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This edited book brings together best examples and practices of digital and interactive approaches and platforms from a number of projects based in European countries to foster social inclusion and participation in heritage and culture. It engages with ongoing debates on the role of culture and heritage in contemporary society relating to inclusion and exclusion, openness, access, and bottom-up participation.

    The contributions address key themes such as the engagement of marginalised communities, the opening of debates and new interpretations around socially and historically contested heritages, and the way in which digital technologies may foster more inclusive cultural heritage practices. They will also showcase examples of work that can inspire reflection, further research, and also practice for readers such as practice-focused researchers in both HCI and design. Indeed, as well as consolidating the achievements of researchers, the contributions also represent concrete approaches to digital heritage innovation for social inclusion purposes.

    The book’s primary audience is academics, researchers, and students in the fields of cultural heritage, digital heritage, human-computer interaction, digital humanities, and digital media, as well as practitioners in the cultural sector.

    1. Introduction: digital approaches to inclusion and participation in cultural heritage
    2. Danilo Giglitto, Luigina Ciolfi, and Eleanor Lockley

    3. Digital storytelling, cultural heritage, and social inclusion: the MEMEX project
    4. Cristina Da Milano, Elisabetta Falchetti, Pascuala Migone, and Valentina Nisi

    5. Digital pathways for enriched communities and futures: plantation heritage in São Tomé and Príncipe
    6. Stefania Stellacci and Sara Eloy

    7. The #iziTRAVELSicilia project: participatory digital storytelling for inclusive and co-creative processes regarding cultural heritage
    8. Elisa Bonacini

    9. CultureLabs: Recipes for social innovation
    10. Eirini Kaldeli, Danilo Giglitto, Eleanor Lockley and Luigina Ciolfi

    11. Civic museums, social need, and inclusive digital practices
    12. Lara Perry

    13. Participatory polyvocal performative and playful interpreting Resnik’s 4 for creative placemaking with digital tools
    14. Tanis Grandison, Tom Flint, and Kirstie Jamieson

    15. Uncovering the colonial legacy in a British digital archive: The Pitt Rivers Museum case
    16. Rinella Cere, Danilo Giglitto, and Daniela Petrelli

    17. Reframing ephemera: digitisation, community music-making, and archival value(s)
    18. Charlotte Armstrong, Rachel Cowgill, Alan Dix, Christina Bashford, Rupert Ridgewell, Maureen Reagan, Michael Twidale, and J. Stephen Downie

    19. Sami traces: Diversity and curatorial workarounds in image archives
    20. Vendela Grundell Gachoud, Anna Näslund Dahlgren, and Karin Hansson

    21. Reading, play, and critical engagement with cultural heritage: Associating children with Orientalist paintings through an interactive picturebook
    22. Betül Gaye Dinç, Özge Subaşı and Ilgım Veryeri Alaca

    23. Afterword: Code-switching: Feeling the "emotional turn" in digital cultural heritage

      Ross Parry




    Danilo Giglitto is a researcher working at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. His work falls in the areas of heritage studies, sociology, and human-computer interaction, with a particular focus on digitally mediated and social-innovation compatible community-led cultural heritage projects.

    Luigina Ciolfi is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork, Ireland. She researches the human experience of and practices around digital technologies, with a particular focus on the cultural heritage domain and on participatory and co-design methodologies.

    Eleanor Lockley is a Research Fellow at the Culture and Creativity Research Institute at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. She works across and within sociology, media, human-computer interaction, and cultural studies. Her research focuses on digital media and the sociology of communication as well as aspects of digital inclusion, and digital and media literacy.

    Eirini Kaldeli is a senior researcher at the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens. Her most recent work focuses on the development of frameworks and tools that make use of cutting-edge digital technologies for data management, creative reuse, crowdsourcing, and engagement in the field of cultural heritage.