1st Edition

Disaffection And Diversity Overcoming Barriers For Adult Learners

Edited By Judith Calder Copyright 1993
    224 Pages
    by Routledge

    216 Pages
    by Routledge

    First Published in 1993. A quiet but profound revolution in the design and delivery of learning opportunities for adults and in the accrediation of learning outcomes is taking place. Higher education is expanding at a rate which exceeds even that of the Robbins era; alternative routes for adults into further and higher education and into training are being introduced through the use of Access courses, and through the recognition of competencies acquired in a whole variety of different ways. The structure of the courses and training which adults can now undertake, the methods of teaching those courses and the types of qualifications which are beginning to be awarded reflect the accelerating social, technological and economic changes in the UK. It is aimed at professionals who are engaged in the management, provision or supervision of organized learning and training opportunities for adults.

    Part 1 Access issues: disaffection and access, Roger Harrison; adult access to higher education, Malcolm Tight; the experience of black minority students, Stima Lyons; local provision - an Oxfordshire case study, Brenda Walters. Part 2 Provision and progress with learning: the scope and characteristics of educational provision for adults, Colin Titmus; face-to-face provision and the older learner, Eric Midwinter; opportunities through open learning, Robert Leach and Roger Webb; disaffection and distance education, Alan Woodley. Part 3 Outcomes and achievements: adult learning and success, Judith Calder; a society of opportunity, Peter Raggatt; the assessment of prior learning - relating experience, competence and knowledge, Linda Butler Miles; credit accumulation and credit transfer, Geoffr Layer; informal learning opportunities and their contribution to overcoming dissaffection, Marian Lever.


    Judith Calder