1st Edition

Early Urban Planning V1

Edited By Richard LeGates, Frederic Stout Copyright 2004

    First published in 2004. This collection brings together five volumes of classic texts of early modern urban planning. These writings stem from the late nineteenth century up to World War II and permits the reader to evaluate the history of urban planning as one of the great characteristics of modernism and lays the groundwork for speculation about the future of urban planning in the fast-emerging new world. Volume 1 includes selected essays.

    Editors Introduction, Public Parks, The Enlargement of Towns, Hygeia A City of Heath, The Linear City, What of the City? , Nothing Gained by Overcrowding, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on City Planning 1913, Housing and Town Planning, The Modern City and Its Problems, The Working Woman's House, Planning Problems of Town, City and Region/ Part Contents


    Richard LeGates, Frederic Stout