1st Edition

Effective Threat Management A Primer

By Frederick S. Calhoun Copyright 2025
    80 Pages 9 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    80 Pages 9 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Effective Threat Management: A Primer presents the ABCs for identifying, assessing, and managing potentially violent individuals. By offering practical advice and tactics for dealing with problem individuals, the Primer serves as an ideal reference source for threat management professionals and as a practical introduction to threat management best-practices for those new to the field. The question-and-answer format makes finding information easy. The book offers tips and cautions on practical ways to implement an effective threat management program in various situations, such as interpersonal relationships, schools, workplaces, public gathering places, or religious establishments. The Primer emphasizes practical, field-tested approaches to the challenges of identifying, assessing, and managing problem individuals.

    In the Primer, author Frederick S. Calhoun, a respected expert in threat assessment and management, shows how to set up a threat management process free of elaborate procedures or significant commitments of resources. The Primer offers a practical, step-by-step process for identifying, assessing, and managing problem individuals. Each section answers specific questions. A quick reference guide allows users to quickly locate specific issues or topics. Text boxes throughout the Primer offer practical support, helpful cautions, and real case-study illustrations.

    This user-friendly book will help threat management professionals in law enforcement and security positions as well as other professionals potentially facing threats, such as mental health practitioners, teachers, HR professionals, small business owners, and anyone else confronted with the need for threat management.

    1.   Overview

    Part 1: Threat Management Fundamentals

    2.   Subjects of Concern

    3.    The Two Paths to Violence

    4.    Threats and Inappropriate Communications

    5.    Venues

    6.    Inhibitors             

    Part 2. The Threat Management Process

    7.    Steps to an Effective Threat Management Process

    8.    Identifying

    9.    Assessing

    10.  Managing

    Part 3.  Threat Management Pitfalls

    11. Threat Management Dynamics 

    12.  Silos

    13. Bunkers

    14. Shortsighted Intervention Strategies


    Frederick S. Calhoun created and managed the national workplace violence prevention program for the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA), an agency with a workforce of over 50,000 employees. He implemented the workplace violence prevention policy, created the training program for all employees, and managed specific incidents involving potential workplace violence. Calhoun earned a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. During the 1990s, he was the lead researcher and principal architect in developing the threat assessment process used by the U. S. Marshals Service for analyzing risks to federal judicial officials. Calhoun has conducted hundreds of training seminars on threat management. With co-author Stephen W. Weston, Calhoun wrote five books on threat management. Calhoun continues to teach a periodic two-day seminar, “Managing Threats: Reducing the Risk of Violence,” designed to train law enforcement officers, mental health professionals, and private security officials in identifying, assessing, and managing individuals of violent intent.


    “Doctor Calhoun, a pioneer in the field, has produced a clear and concise primer for the threat assessment and management community. This work will serve the needs of those new to the field and as a ready reference for those familiar with his past work. This primer should be added to the tool kit of anyone who needs to deal with threatening or disturbing situations in any environment.”

    Stephen W. Weston, Co-Author of Threat Assessment and Management Strategies

    “Including a discussion of the distinction between those threatening violence and those focused on committing violence (hunters v. howlers) is a useful and necessary feature for the text and will help readers in making important determinations in real world contexts. Introducing the path to intended violence is a critical addition to the proposed text and will help readers establish a solid understanding of this critical foundational element of broader threat assessment practices in an applied environment.” 

    Jason R. Jolicoeur, Ph.D, Minnesota State University,  Mankato.

    “The major issue in managing threats is the lack of early identification and reporting of concerns. This book addresses this issue and seeks to introduce a new process that encourages increased reporting. A major strength is the author, whose reputation and credibility stands out.”

    Philip Grindell, Defuse Global