1st Edition

Electrodynamics of Superconductors

By Vladimir Kozhevnikov Copyright 2025
    208 Pages 54 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Superconductivity is a remarkable, on the verge of miraculous, macroscopic quantum phenomenon with a boundless potential for a wide variety of applications. Over the last century the physics of superconductivity constitutes a major part of research in condensed matter and yet the electrodynamics of superconductors appears as only a minor part in textbooks on electrodynamics and superconductivity.

    The book offers a fresh look at electrodynamics of continuous media with detailed description of thermal and electromagnetic properties of superconductors, emphasising physical meaning of concepts and principles without excessive mathematics. To facilitate understanding, it is accompanied by problems and worked solutions.

    The book will be of interest to senior undergraduate and graduate students of physics and chemistry who have taken a calculus-based course in general physics. It is a valuable reference for researchers involved in studies of superconductivity, the physics of metals, and condensed matter physics.

    Key Features:

    •         The first book - in terms of semi-classical physics - addressing both equilibrium and nonequilibrium, thermal and transport properties of superconducting materials.

    •         Presents an accessible overview without excessive mathematics.

    Accompanied by problems with solutions to aid understanding.

    Chapter 1: Magnetic Fields in Normal Media. Chapter 2: Gyromagnetic Ratio and Related Phenomena. Chapter 3: Superconductivity. History of Development. Chapter 4: Superconductivity. Thermodynamic Properties. Chapter 5: Superconductivity. Electrodynamics. Bibliography. Index.


    Vladimir F. Kozhevnikov is a retired professor of Tulsa Community College, USA; over the last two decades he was also a vising researcher at the KU Leuven, Belgium. He received his PhD from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and D. Sc. (habilitation) in physics and mathematics from the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy (KIAE), Russia. Before moving to the US in 1996 he was physics professor at MAI and a senior researcher at the KIAE. His researches at that time were mostly focused at the liquid-gas criticality, metal-dielectric transition and wetting in fluid metals. He was the recipient of the 'Kurchatov Prize' in 1996. His current research interests primarily include superconductivity, phase transitions, and thermodynamics in magnetic fields. Dr. Kozhevnikov has published a book on thermodynamics of magnetized materials and superconductors and over 70 papers in refereed journals.