1st Edition

Eliminating Sexual Harassment at Work

By Carrie Herbert Copyright 1994
    156 Pages
    by Routledge

    Eliminating Sexual Harassment at Work (1994) gives a clear picture of what sexual harassment is, the effects it has on people and organisations, and how – as individuals and within institutions – they can work towards its elimination in the workplace. Legal responsibilities on the one hand are examined, as are employee rights on the other.

    1. Putting Sexual Harassment in Context  2. Defining Sexual Harassment  3. Sexual Harassment – the Power Dimension  4. Statistics  5. Consequences and Legal Implications  6. Writing and Implementing a Sexual Harassment Policy  7. A Grievance Procedure  8. Countering the Sceptics  9. Countering Myths and Misconceptions  10. Your Role as an Adviser  11. The Role of Management  12. Challenging the Harasser  13. Taking a Case to an Industrial Tribunal  14. Training and Professional Development


    Carrie Herbert