1st Edition

Emotional Development and Youths' Predisposition to Deception An Experimental Study Using the Polygraph Method

By Oleksiy Chebykin, Olena Kosyanova Copyright 2025
    182 Pages 12 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This comprehensive book examines young people's propensity to deceive through the lens of emotional development and the research methods of polygraph and emotional maturity methodology. It presents evidence-based and practical results of this research, identifying a predisposition to deceit in people with different types of emotional maturity.

    The book begins with outlining the history and development of the polygraph and highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations of its application. Sharing the main aims and results of this study, the book then highlights the principal components and different types of emotional maturity, how the emotional sphere plays a determining role in deceit and specifically how changes in self-expression, self-regulation, and empathy can govern a person's character to deceive. On the basis of this extensive experimental data, the authors clearly demonstrate how various features of the youth’s tendency to deceive depended on age, gender characteristics and educational and professional training.

    This book is of great scientific and practical importance and will be useful to psychologists, students, scientific and pedagogical workers, as well as specialists involved in the selection and audit of personnel, and other readers interested in using the polygraph method to detect and predict fraud.

    1. The Problem of Cognition of the Deception Propensity: Historical and Categorical Context of The Polygraph Method

    2. Psychophysiological and Psychological Foundations of Theories and Practices of Deception Diagnosis: Polygraph Emotional Aspect

    3. Emotional Maturity as a Probable Feature of the Possibility of Deception Propensity

    4. Assessment of the Prediction of Young People's Propensity to Deceive based on Polygraph Data and Emotional Maturity

    5. Scientific and Methodological Recommendations Based on the Results of the Study

    6. General Conclusions


    Oleksiy Chebykin, is a Doctor of Psychological Sciences, academician of the National Academy of Psychological Sciences of Ukraine and professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology in Ushinsky University (Odessa). Dr Chebykin is the author of 700 publications on the problems of development of the emotional sphere, emotional stability, risk, emotional intelligence, deception, emotional regulation, the impact of different cyber addictions on the emotional sphere, emotional health and other issues.

    Olena Kosyanova, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology in Ushinsky University (Odessa), head of the laboratory of general, special and medical psychodiagnostics. Dr Kosyanova has authored 70 publications on various problems of diagnostics, hidden information and deception depending on different personal characteristics of a person.

    “This book contains a lot of material from various studies on using the polygraph test, as well as some information about the emotional maturity of young people in the study of their propensity to deceive. The described data on the relationship of the diagnosed indicators in the structure of psychological characteristics of the developing personality are of interest to researchers, as well as psychologists working in different spheres of professional activity.”

    Ivan Bekh, Full member (Academician) of the NAES of Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Problems on Education of the NAES of Ukraine.

    “The extensive theoretical and experimental applied results outlined by the author in the book on the assessment of prediction of the propensity to deceive, for example, student youth, significantly deepen the information available in this area. In this case, it is about polygraph performance and the development of their emotional sphere. Undoubtedly, the book will interest specialists working in the system of educational professional training of psychologists, as well as those involved in professional selection and psychocorrection of deception.”

    Dr. Rafal Abramciow, Director of the Institute of Psychology of the University named after Education in Krakow, Poland.

    “The results of complex experimental research presented in the book touch upon one of the most difficult and debatable problems of using the polygraph and emotional maturity techniques to establish a person's propensity to deception. The author on the basis of the obtained theoretical and empirical data reveals his view to the approach to solving this problem. It can be said that this is important information that will interest many scientists and practitioners working in different directed and centers.

    Ding Xin, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.