3rd Edition

Encounters with Chaos and Fractals

By Denny Gulick, Jeff Ford Copyright 2024
    410 Pages 160 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    410 Pages 160 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    Encounters with Chaos and Fractals, Third Edition provides an accessible introduction to chaotic dynamics and fractal geometry. It incorporates important mathematical concepts and backs up the definitions and results with motivation, examples, and applications.

    The third edition updates this classic book for a modern audience. New applications on contemporary topics, like data science and mathematical modeling, appear throughout. Coding activities are transitioned to open-source programming languages, including Python.

    The text begins with examples of mathematical behavior exhibited by chaotic systems, first in one dimension and then in two and three dimensions. Focusing on fractal geometry, the authors introduce famous, infinitely complicated fractals. How to obtain computer renditions of them is explained. The book concludes with Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set.

    The Third Edition includes:

    • More coding activities incorporated in each section with expanded code to include pseudo-code, with specific examples in MATLAB® (or its open-source cousin Octave) and Python
    • Additional exercises—many updated—from previous editions
    • Proof-writing exercises for a more theoretical course
    • Revised sections to include historical context
    • Short sections added to explain applied problems in developing mathematics

    This edition reveals how these ideas are continuing to be applied in the 21st century, while connecting to the long and winding history of dynamical systems. The primary focus is the beauty and diversity of these ideas. Offering more than enough material for a one-semester course, the authors show how these subjects continue to grow within mathematics and in many other disciplines.


    Chapter 1 Periodic Points


    Iterates of Functions   

    Graphical Analysis of Iterates  

    Section 1.1 Exercises   


    Fixed Points    

    Attracting and Repelling Fixed Points 

    Basins of Attraction   

    Eventually Fixed Points   

    Section 1.2 Exercises  


    Periodic Points    

    Attracting Periodic Points   

    Time Series and Periodic Points 

    Section 1.3 exercises   


    Families of Functions   

    The Family {gμ}   

    The Tent Family {Tμ}  

    Eventually Periodic and Periodic Points of T

    Section 1.4 Exercises   


    The Quadratic Family   

    Section 1.5 Exercises   


    Bifurcation Diagrams    

    Period-Doubling Bifurcations    

    Tangent Bifurcations    

    Section 1.6 Exercises   


    Period-3 Points    

    Section 1.7 Exercises   


    The Schwarzian Derivative   

    Section 1.8 Exercises   


    Chapter 2 One-Dimensional Chaos    


    Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions 

    Lyapunov Exponents    


    The Butterfly Effect   

    The Asteroid Belt   


    Section 2.1 Exercises   


    Transitivity and Strong Chaos  

    Strong Chaos    

    Section 2.2 Exercises   



    Section 2.3 Exercises  


    Cantor Sets    

    The Cantor Ternary Set  

    Strong Chaos of Functions in {Qμ}

    Section 2.4 Exercises   


    Chapter 3 Two-Dimensional Chaos    

    Review of Matrices   

    Brief Review of 2 × 2 Matrices

    Similar Matrices    

    Section 3.1 Exercises   


    Dynamics of Linear Functions  

    Linear Functions    

    Dynamics of Linear Functions  

    Section 3.2 Exercises   


    Nonlinear Maps    

    Baker’s Functions    

    Section 3.3 Exercises   


    The H ́enon Map  

    Section 3.4 Exercises   


    The Horseshoe Map   

    Homoclinic Points    

    The Williams Solenoid   


    Chapter 4 Systems of Differential Equations  

    Review of Systems of Differential Equations

    Linear Differential Equations   

    Systems of Two Linear Differential Equations

    Table of results illustrating the relationship between eigenvalues and critical points

    Exercises 4.1    


    Almost Linearity    

    Limit Cycles    

    Exercises 4.2    


    The Pendulum    

    Exercises 4.3    


    The Lorenz System   


    Exercises 4.4    


    Chapter 5 Introduction to Fractals   


    The Cantor Set Revisited  

    The Length of the Cantor Set

    The Devil’s Staircase   

    Exercies 5.1


    The Sierpiński Gasket and Other “Monsters”

    The Chaos Game   

    The Sierpiński Carpet   

    The Menger Sponge   

    The Koch Curve   

    The Koch Snowflake 

    Exercises 5.2


    Space-Filling Curves    

    Hilbert’s Space-Filling Curve   

    Cauchy Sequences    

    Exercise 5.3


    Similarity and Capacity Dimensions  

    Similarity Dimension    

    Capacity Dimension    

    Exercises 5.4


    Lyapunov Dimension    

    Exercises 5.5


    Calculating Fractal Dimensions of Objects 

    The Compass Dimension   

    Exercises 5.6


    Chapter 6 Creating Fractal Sets   

    Metric Spaces    

    Complete Metric Spaces   

    Exercises 6.1    


    The Hausdorff Metric   

    Exercises 6.2    


    Contractions and Affine Functions  

    Contractions .     

    Affine Functions    


    Exercises 6.3    


    Iterated Function Systems   

    Exercises 6.4    


    Algorithms for Drawing Fractals  

    The Complete Iteration Algorithm  

    The Random Iteration Algorithm     

    The Chaos Game Revisited  

    Exercises 6.5    


    Chapter 7 Complex Fractals: Julia Sets and The Mandelbrot

    Complex Numbers and Functions  

    Complex Functions    

    Zeros and Fixed Points of Complex Functions

    Periodic Points    

    Attracting and Repelling Periodic Points 

    Exercises 7.1

    Julia Sets    

    Exercises 7.2

    The Mandelbrot Set   

    Exercises 7.3





    Denny Gulick is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland. His research interests include operator theory and fractal geometry. He earned a PhD from Yale University.

    Jeff Ford is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Gustavus Adolphus College. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Gustavus Adolphus College, his Master’s degree in mathematics from Minnesota State University-Mankato, and his Ph.D. in mathematics from Auburn University, studying under Dr. Krystyna Kuperberg. Jeff is interested in the existence of volume-preserving dynamical systems with unique properties. Jeff uses and assesses a variety of active learning techniques in his class including inquiry-based learning and team-based learning. His scholarship in this area centers on understanding how active learning techniques improve confidence and reduce anxiety in undergraduate students.