1st Edition

English Catholicism, 1680-1830, vol 2

By Michael Mullett Copyright 2006
    468 Pages
    by Routledge

    Offers a collection of English-language Catholic literature covering the long eighteenth century. This book focuses on the periods of martyrdom and violent persecution from the end of the sixteenth to the end of the seventeenth centuries and, latterly, on the so-called 'Second Spring' of English Catholicism.

    Robert Parsons, A Christian Directory, Guiding Men to Their Eternal Salvation … (1687), Nicholas Cross, A Sermon Preach’d before her Sacred Majesty the Queen, in her Chapel at Windsor, on the Twenty first Day of April, Anno 1686 (1741), John Persall, A Sermon Preach’d before the King and Queen, In their Majesties Chapel at Windsor, on Trinity-Sunday, May 30, 1686 (1741), [William Crathorne (ed.)], Mr Gother’s Spiritual Works. In Sixteen Tomes. Tome I. Instructions on the Epistles and Gospels of the Sundays from Advent to Trinity Sunday, (Lent excepted). Part I … (1718), [Thome de Jesus], The Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ … (1753), [Nicholas Caussin], Entertainments for Lent … (1755), [William Crathorne (ed.)], Mr Gother’s Spiritual Works. Tome XIV. Prayers for Every Day in Lent. Part II … (1718), [Anon.], The Primer, or, Office of the B. Virgin Mary … (1717), [William Crathorne (ed.)], Mr Gother’s Spiritual Works. Tome X. Instructions for Particular States and Conditions in Life … (1718), [William Crathorne (ed.)], Mr Gother’s Spiritual Works. Tome XII. A Practical Catechism … (1718), [John Anselm Mannock], The Poor Man’s Catechism: Or, The Christian Doctrine Explained. With Short Admonitions (1752), [Francis Petre], Instructions and Regulations for Indulgences Allowed to the Faithful in the N. District (1753), [Dominique de Bouhours], The Life of St Francis Xavier of the Society of Jesus, Apostle of the Indies and of Japan. Translated into English by Mr Dryden (1688), [Edward Ambrose Burgis], The Annals of the Church (1712), Notes


    Michael Mullett