1st Edition

English Catholicism, 1680-1830, vol 6

By Michael Mullett Copyright 2006
    452 Pages
    by Routledge

    Offers a collection of English-language Catholic literature covering the long eighteenth century. This book focuses on the periods of martyrdom and violent persecution from the end of the sixteenth to the end of the seventeenth centuries and, latterly, on the so-called 'Second Spring' of English Catholicism.

    [Anon.], The Office Of The Holy Week … Illustrated with Cuts, Representing the Passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (1796), Peter Gandolphy, An Exposition of Liturgy, or A Book of Common Prayers … For the Use of all Christians in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1815), Lady Lucy Herbert, Several Excellent Methods of Hearing Mass … (1791), [Anon.], A Manual of Instructions and Prayers, Useful to a Christian. Translated from the Italian (1780), A. C. [Alexander Mackenzie, alias Clinton], Spiritual Guide: Containing The Chief Means Which Lead To Perfection … (1778), [Louis-Antoine Caraccioli?], Interesting Letters of the Late Pope Clement XIV. (Ganganelli.) … (1777), [John Gother], Instructions upon the Sacrament of Confirmation (1783), Richard Challoner, The Catholick Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifce, Ceremonies and Observances of the Church [1798?], Richard Challoner, Considerations upon Christian Truths and Christian Duties; Digested into Meditations for Every Day in the Year … (1784), Jean-Baptiste Massilon, An Episcopal Charge, By Massillon, Bishop of Clermont … Addressed to the Catholic Clergy of Great Britain and Ireland (1784), [Richard Challoner (ed.)], The Holy Bible Translated from the Latin Vulgate … First Published by the English College at Douay, Anno 1609 … (1769), Charles Butler, A Continuation of the Rev. Alban Butler’s Lives of the Saints to the Present Time … (1823), L’Abbe Barruel, The History of the Clergy during the French Revolution. A Work Dedicated to the English Nation … (1794), Abbe Proyard [Lievain-Bonaventure Proyart], The Life of Madame Louise, A Carmelite Nun, And Daughter of Louis XV, King of France: Originally … Published At Brussels, In The Year 1893 … (1807), James Barnard, The Life of the Venerable Richard Challoner … (1784), Notes, Index


    Michael Mullett