2nd Edition

English Historical Documents Volume 3 1189-1327

Edited By Harry Rothwell Copyright 1995
    1060 Pages
    by Routledge

    English Historical Documents is the most ambitious, impressive and comprehensive collection of documents on English history ever published. An authoritative work of primary evidence, each volume presents material with exemplary scholarly accuracy. Editorial comment is directed towards making sources intelligible rather than drawing conclusions from them. Full account has been taken of modern textual criticism. A general introduction to each volume portrays the character of the period under review and critical bibliographies have been added to assist further investigation.
    Documents collected include treaties, personal letters, statutes, military dispatches, diaries, declarations, newspaper articles, government and cabinet proceedings, orders, acts, sermons, pamphlets, agricultural instructions, charters, grants, guild regulations and voting records.
    Volumes are furnished with lavish extra apparatus including genealogical tables, lists of officials, chronologies, diagrams, graphs and maps.

    INTRODUCTION i. The period ii. The country and the people iii. Church and people iv. Government v. The politics of government GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Part I. SELECT CHRONICLE AND NARRATIVE SOURCES FOR THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND 1189-1327 INTRODUCTION TO PART I SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHRONICLE AND NARRATIVE MATERIAL 1. Richard of Devizes, Of the Time of King Richard I: selected passages from the years1190-2 2. The Chronicle of Mr Roger of Howden: selected passages from the years 1190-2 3. The History of William the Marshal for the years 1216-19 4. The Greater Chronicle (Chronica Majora) of Matthew Paris of St Albans for the years 1258---9 5. The Annals of Burton for the years 1258---9 6. The Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London for the years 1259-66 (Michaelmas 1259 to Michaelmas 1267) 7. The Annals of Dunstable for the years 1260-4 8.The English History of Bartholomew Cotton of Norwich for the domestic crisis of November 1296 to IO October 1297 9. The Chronicle of Bury St Edmunds for the domestic crisis of November 1296 to 10 October 1297 10. The Chronicle of Walter of Guisborough for the domestic crisis of November 1296 to 10 October 1297 11. The Chronicle of Peter Langtoft of Bridlington for the years 1297 to 1307 12. The Chronicle of Lanercost for the years A.D. 1315-23 13. The Life of Edward the Second of the so-called Monk of Malmesbury: selected passages from the years 1315-16 and 1322 14. The Pipewell Chronicle on the deposition of Edward II, 1327 Part II. ROYAL GOVERNMENT INTRODUCTION TO PART II SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY A. THE TESTING TIME 1189-1227 15. Form of proceeding in pleas of the crown, 16. Franco-Welsh treaty of alliance, 1212 17. John's surrender of his kingdoms of England and Ireland to the pope, May and October 1213 18. The Unknown Charter of Liberties, before 15 June 1215 19. The articles of the barons, 15 June 1215 20. Magna Carta, 1215 21. Pope Innocent III declares Magna Carta null and void, 24 August 1215 22. Magna Carta, 1216 23. Magna Carta, 1217 24. The Charter of the Forest, 1217 25. Temporary instructions to justices in eyre because of prohibition of ordeal, 1219 26. Magna Carta, 1225 27. Charter of the Forest, 1225 B. THE RULE OF HENRY III 1227-67 28. Statute concerning the Jews, 1233 29. Hundred Courts: Magna Carta clarified, 1234 30. The so-called Statute of Merton, 1236 31. Treaty between the kings of England and Scotland, 1237 32. The king is refused an aid, 1242 33.Form for keeping the peace, 1242 34. The so-called Paper Constitution preserved by Matthew Paris, 1238-44 35. Royal ordinance on alienations by tenants-in-chief, 15 July 1256 36. The sworn confederation of seven barons, 12 April 1258 37. The so-called Provisions of Oxford, 1258 38. Proclamation of 18 October 1258 39. Proclamation of 20 October 1258 40. The Provisions of Westminster, October 1259 41. The Treaty of Paris, 1259 42. Commissions under the ordinance of Winchester, September 1265 43. The Dictum of Kenilworth, 3 1 October 1266 C. RECONSTRUCTION 1267-94 44. The Statute of Marlborough, 18 November 1267 5. The inquests of 1274-5: the commission and the articles of II October 1274 46. Summons of knights and burgesses to Edward I's first parliament at London on 25 April -, 1275 (Woodstock, 26 December 1274) 47. Statute of Westminster I (3 Edw. I), 1275 48. Grant of custom on exported wool, woolfells and hides, (not later than 10 May) 1275 D. ENGLAND AT WAR 1294-1327 Part III. ROYAL GOVERNMENT IN ACTION Part IV. THE CHURCH IN ENGLAND A. THE WESTERN CHURCH B. THE COMING OF THE FRIARS C. THE UNIVERSITY MOVEMENT D. THE BISHOP AND HIS DIOCESE Part V. LAND AND PEOPLE Part VI. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE THOUGHT OF THE PERIOD Part Contents…/


    Harry Rothwell, Emeritus Professor of History in the University of Southamption.