1st Edition

English Nonconformist Poetry, 1660–1700, vol 3

By George Southcombe Copyright 2012
    352 Pages
    by Routledge

    The multi-faceted nature of dissenting verse is demonstrated, from the sonnets of the Quaker Martin Mason to the self-consciously 'witty' acrostic used to commemorate the Fifth Monarchist Vavasor Powell's death, to the Quaker schismatic John Perrot's 'A sea of the seed's sufferings'.

    Benjamin Keach, Distressed Sion Relieved (1689), Thomas Grantham, ‘O Calvin, why didst thou (like Cain) thy Pious Brother Slay’ (1691), Hercules Collins, Th e Marrow of Gospel History (1696), Mary Mollineux, Fruits of Retirement: or, Miscellaneous Poems, Moral and Divine (1702), edited by Catherine Wright, Editorial Notes, Index of Titles and First Lines


    George Southcombe