1st Edition

Ethnic Politics and Civil Liberties

By Lucius J. Barker Copyright 1992
    264 Pages
    by Routledge

    264 Pages
    by Routledge

    The official publication of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists, this annual publication includes significant scholarly research reflecting the diverse interests of scholars from various backgrounds who use a variety of models, approaches, and methodologies. The central focus is on politics and policies that advantage or disadvantage groups because of race, ethnicity, sex, or other such factors. The research is performed in a variety of contexts and settings. This third volume includes an introductory note by the editor, Lucius J. Barker, in which he assesses the performance of the Journal in defining a "different political science" and a note by incoming editor Matthew Holden, Jr. outlining topics and agendas for future volumes. Feature articles include "Reconceptualizing Urban Violence"; "Political Science and the Black Political Experience"; "The Impact of At-Large Elections on the Representation of Black and White Women"; "State Responses to Richmond v. Croson: A Survey of Equal Opportunity Officers"; "Media in Warsaw Pact States: Explanations of Crisis Coverage"; and "Presence of Immigrants and National Front Vote: The Case of Paris (1984-1990)." The Book Review Section includes review essays on East European research, black urban politics, and the political reincorporatlon of southern blacks, and regular book reviews on minority groups and American political culture and other areas.

    Reconceptualizing Urban Violence: A Policy Analytic Approach, Political Science and the Black Political Experience: Issues in Epistemology and Relevance, State Responses to Richmond v. Croson: A Survey of Equal Employment Opportunity Officers, The Impact of At-Large Elections on the Representation of Black and White Women, Media in Warsaw Pact States: Explanations of Crisis Coverage, Presence of Immigrants and National Front Vote: The Case of Paris (1984-1990),SYMPOSIUM I: Latino Politics in the 1990sSYMPOSIUM II: African-American Politics in the 1990sBOOK FORUM: Review Essays, Book Reviews


    Lucius J. Barker