1st Edition

Exemplars, Imitation, and Character Formation A Philosophical, Psychological, and Christian Inquiry

By Eric Yang Copyright 2025

    This volume examines the role and relevance of exemplars and the practice of imitation in character development and formation. While the role of exemplars and imitation in spiritual and moral formation has been an integral part of many religious and wisdom traditions, in recent times there has been limited theological and philosophical investigation into it and a dearth of interdisciplinary discussion. The book brings together relevant research and insights from leading experts within philosophy, psychology, and theology, with a slight emphasis on Christian approaches to exemplars and imitation, especially given the reflection on these themes throughout the history of the Christian intellectual and mystical tradition. Many of the contributions display an interdisciplinary approach into these issues; hence, this volume will be of interest to philosophers, psychologists, theologians, and others who work in moral psychology and character formation.

    Part I  Philosophical Inquiry into Exemplars and Imitation

    1. Moral Charisma: Why We (Almost) Can’t Help Imitating Virtue

    Heidi M. Giebel

    2. Exemplar Communities and Moral Formation

    Aaron D. Cobb

    3. Imitating or Emulating? How Exemplar Education Can Avoid Being Indoctrinating

    Bart Engelen and Alfred Archer

    4. Model Exemplars

    Eric Yang

    5. Admiration and its Companion Emotions

    Sabrina B. Little

    Part II  Psychological Inquiry into Exemplars and Imitation

    6. The Role of Empathy in the Appraisal Process of Holocaust Rescuers

    James A. Van Slyke

    7. Families with Exemplary Commitments to Shared Purpose: An Exemplar Study

    Kendall Cotton Bronk

    8. Traditions and Exemplars in Spiritual Formation: Toward an Integration of Catholic Theology and Developmental Science

    Timothy Reilly

    9. Modeling Exemplary Practical Wisdom and Discernment in Sociotechnical Communities

    Mark Graves

    Part III  Christian Inquiry into Exemplars and Imitation

    10. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Nonviolent War for the Soul of America: Radical Love as Revolutionary Imitation of Christ

    Emily Dumler-Winckler

    11. Imitating God

    Thomas Jay Oord

    12. Challenging Aristotle’s Privilege of Virtue with Christ

    Lily M. Abadal

    13. The Exemplary Life of St. Antony: A Case for Intercessory Exemplarism

    Brother John Baptist Santa Ana, O.S.B.

    14. A Triadic Model of How to Become Like the Saints

    Grace Hibshman


    Eric Yang is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Santa Clara University, USA