2nd Edition

Exploring Employee Relations

By Mike Leat Copyright 2007
    464 Pages
    by Routledge

    304 Pages
    by Routledge

    Exploring Employee Relations is a straightforward and accessible text that is aimed at students who are taking the subject for the first time. The structure is clear and logical, leading the newcomer through the topics in a way to maximise comprehension. Key issues are highlighted and supported by a small case or example from business. Chapters are structured to enable progressive learning with a logical development of the content. Each chapter ends with a summary of the key points met in the text and these are further reinforced by review and discussion questions, with answers and feedback on the activities included at the end of the book. The chapters are grouped thematically into parts and longer case studies are included that are suitable for assignment and seminar work.

    This new edition is thoroughly revised with a new international approach which provides new material on the European Union and the role of Government and Demography, bargaining power and securing employee commitment. The text has also been written to cover the new CIPD employee relations syllabus

    Chapter 1. Employee relations and the employment relationship.
    Definitions of employee relations
    The employment relationship
    A psychological contract? Interests and expectations.
    Forms of attachment, compliance and commitment
    Conflict, cooperation and perspectives
    A legal contract and the relevance of ideology
    The quality of employee relations
    An industrial relations system
    Criticisms of the Dunlop model
    A framework for studying employee relations
    Chapter summary

    Chapter 2. The nature of work
    Taylorism - scientific management - Fordism
    Disadvantages of Fordism and the emergence of Post-Fordism
    Flexible Specialisation.
    The flexible firm
    Other competitive production strategies
    Job re-design and the search for commitment, flexibility and quality
    Commitment, intrinsic satisfaction, involvement and functional flexibility
    Japanization? Quality, involvement and commitment as competitive advantage
    The quality circle
    Team Working
    Total Quality Management (TQM)
    Just-in-Time (JIT)
    Incidence and impact of the new production strategies [en] perceptions and Conclusions
    Chapter summary.

    Chapter 3 Globalization, multinational corporations and employee relations.
    Multinational corporations
    Scale and nature of multinational activity and FDI
    FDI advantages and disadvantages
    MNC approaches to the management of employee relations
    MNCs and the trade unions
    International trade union organization
    Global organizations
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
    International regulation and control of MNC activities
    The International Labour Organization (ILO)
    Chapter summary.

    Chapter 4 The European Union
    History and membership of the EU
    The Commission.
    The Council of the European Union
    The Parliament.
    The social partners
    Legislative forms
    Decision making processes
    Social Policy -The social dimension
    The Social Charter.
    Different traditions and systems.
    Social Policy – The Treaties.
    Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the Union
    Main initiatives
    Employee participation
    Collective Redundancies
    The Transfers of Undertakings.
    The European Works Council Directive 94/45/EC
    Information and Consultation at a National Level.
    Council Directive 2001/86/EC - Statute for a European Company.
    Financial participation
    The Organisation of working time.
    Article 13 Directives.
    Genuine Occupational Requirements and other exceptions.
    Positive action.
    Directive 97/81/EC on Part-Time Work .
    Directive 1999/70/EC on Fixed term work
    Directive on Parental Leave (96/34). :
    Equal Pay.
    The Europeanisation of social protection and employee relations.
    Chapter summary.

    Chapter 5 The Role of Government.
    Ideologies and political approaches
    Government and the economy.
    Keynesian approaches.
    The UK
    Government as legislator and the legal context.
    The legislative context in the UK.
    The Individual Employment relationship.
    Trades unions and collective processes.
    Trade unions.
    Trade union members.
    Information and consultation.
    Industrial action.
    The law on Discrimination and Equality.
    Government as employer.
    The UK.
    Pre 1979.
    Post 1979
    The state and dispute resolution.
    ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
    Chapter summary.

    Chapter 6. Demography, labour force and market characteristics and trends.
    Labour force participation
    By gender
    Age group
    Part-time work
    By gender
    Age group
    Long-term unemployment
    Employment by Sector
    Factors influencing Female Participation
    Labour force participation and unemployment by educational attainment.
    Chapter summary.

    Chapter 7 Trade unions
    Why trade unions and why do people join?
    The objectives of trade unions
    Factors influencing objectives/ orientation
    Trade union structure
    Internal government and democracy
    Trade union membership
    Problems of measurement
    Reasons for variations
    Trade union recognition
    Challenges and responses
    Chapter summary

    Chapter 8 Managing employee relations.
    HRM –What is it?
    HRM and implications for employee relations
    Management’s objectives
    Managerial style(s)
    Criticisms and developments
    Managing with or without unions?
    Employee Involvement and the pursuit of employee commitment.
    Chapter summary

    Chapter 9 Employee relations processes.
    Employee participation
    Forms and paradigms.
    Continuum of participation
    Which decisions?
    Collective bargaining
    Joint consultation
    Bargaining power.
    Chapter summary

    Chapter 10 Employee relations procedures.
    Procedures - what are they and why have them?
    Disciplinary procedures
    Issues and considerations
    Stages and warnings, number and type
    Disciplinary Procedures and the law in the UK
    Grievance procedures and handling
    Issues and considerations
    Subject matter coverage/jurisdiction of the procedure
    Information and representation
    Time limits
    Grievance handling
    The hearing/interview
    Grievance procedures and the law in the UK
    Chapter summary.

    Chapter 11 Current issues and future trends.
    ion and participation; Employment law; Human resource strategy


    Mike Leat

    ‘The best feature is the shift towards giving more attention to the influence of the EU, globalization and a deeper look at the nature of the labour market. I would like to see a second edition of the text published. After a fallow period, ER is an expanding area of interest again.’
    John Kimberley, University of Central England

    ‘Generally seems in line with previous text – which was quite student friendly, generally a popular text on the subject. Required reading – one of 2 texts recommended for purchase… Leat or Blyton & Turnbull: Dynamics of Employee Relations’
    Ian Roper, Middlesex University

    ‘Yes – would meet the needs of the module for which I have been using it – a third year undergrad module on Employee Relations which forms part of a number of different Business subject degrees. For use in my post grad teaching (part of the CIPD accredited MSc in HRM) the text would need the additional chapter on handling conflict/industrial action referred to. The increasing number of international students on both UG and PG programmes would make a more generic text (as described) useful. Main text for undergrad ER module – approx 100 students per year. Could also be one of number of recommended texts for PG modules – varying numbers. Have been using the first edition for UG module – was planning to change to a more up to date text.’
    Fiona Oldham, Napier University