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Financial History

35 Series Titles

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Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resistance

Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resistance

1st Edition


Edited By Korinna Schönhärl, Gisela Hürlimann, Dorothea Rohde
August 26, 2024

Tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax resistance are widespread phenomena in political, economic, social and fiscal history from antiquity through medieval, early modern and modern times. Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resistance shows how different groups and individuals around the globe ...

A History of Public Banking in Portugal in the 19th and 20th Centuries

A History of Public Banking in Portugal in the 19th and 20th Centuries

1st Edition

By Pedro Lains
January 09, 2023

This book examines the history of what became one of Portugal’s largest banks, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos. The bank was founded in 1876 by the state to run public deposits, and evolved into a savings bank, catering for both public and private deposits. Its history goes beyond the history of ...

European Investment in Greece in the Nineteenth Century A Behavioural Approach to Financial History

European Investment in Greece in the Nineteenth Century: A Behavioural Approach to Financial History

1st Edition

By Korinna Schönhärl
May 06, 2022

Banking historiography often does not sufficiently take into account bankers’ deliberations of their decision making, but rather limits investigation to considerations of profit maximisation. This book shows that the decision-making processes of nineteenth-century bankers contemplating high-risk ...

The Origins of Modern Banking in Spain The Role of Monetary Plurality

The Origins of Modern Banking in Spain: The Role of Monetary Plurality

1st Edition

Edited By Carles Sudrià, Yolanda Blasco-Martel
May 08, 2019

This book analyses the formation of the Spanish banking system. It provides a general overview of European financial systems in operation during the mid-nineteenth century, followed by a detailed analysis of the economic and institutional changes that gave rise to a new form of banking in Spain. ...

Share Trading, Fraud and the Crash of 1929 A Biography of Clarence Hatry

Share Trading, Fraud and the Crash of 1929: A Biography of Clarence Hatry

1st Edition

By Chris Swinson
April 03, 2019

This is a comprehensive biography of Clarence Charles Hatry, 1888-1965, an enigmatic and charismatic public figure. Hatry was the son of Jewish immigrant parents who became a company promoter and whose companies collapsed in 1929, leading to a crash on the London stock exchange. He was brought...

Monetary Plurality in Local, Regional and Global Economies

Monetary Plurality in Local, Regional and Global Economies

1st Edition

Edited By Georgina M. Gómez
August 06, 2018

The idea that each country should have one currency is so deeply rooted in people’s minds that the possibility of multiple and concurrent currencies seems unthinkable. Monetary systems contribute to problems of high unemployment and social distress during financial and economic crisis, so reforms ...

Regulation of the London Stock Exchange Share Trading, Fraud and Reform 1914–1945

Regulation of the London Stock Exchange: Share Trading, Fraud and Reform 1914–1945

1st Edition

By Chris Swinson
December 06, 2017

In 1914, the notion of statutory regulation of trading in shares was anathema to both the Government and the London Stock Exchange. By 1945, a statutory scheme of regulation had been introduced. This book serves to: Track the steps by which this outcome came about, Explain why the Exchange felt...

Money, Politics and Power Banking and Public Finance in Wartime England, 1694–96

Money, Politics and Power: Banking and Public Finance in Wartime England, 1694–96

1st Edition

By Richard A. Kleer
May 17, 2017

The Nine Years’ War with France was a period of great institutional innovation in public finance and of severe monetary turmoil for England. It saw the creation of the Bank of England; a sudden sharp fall in the external value of the pound; a massive undertaking to melt down and recoin most of the ...

Banking Modern America Studies in regulatory history

Banking Modern America: Studies in regulatory history

1st Edition

Edited By Jesse Stiller
October 11, 2016

The passage of the National Currency Act of 1863 gave the United States its first uniform paper money, its first nationally chartered and supervised commercial banks, and its first modern regulatory agency: the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The law marked a milestone in the development...

Argentina's Parallel Currency The Economy of the Poor

Argentina's Parallel Currency: The Economy of the Poor

1st Edition

By Georgina M Gomez
January 20, 2016

Analyzes the rise and fall of the Red de Trueque (launched in 1995 by a group of environmentalists who exchanged goods and services at their own 'market' using a system of mutual credit) in Argentina. This book identifies rules of governance and sustainability for institutional settings in which ...

Baring Brothers and the Birth of Modern Finance

Baring Brothers and the Birth of Modern Finance

1st Edition

By Peter E Austin
January 20, 2016

In 1995, the Baring Brothers collapsed over a weekend, brought down by the 'rogue trader' Nick Leeson. Utilizing British and American archives, this work charts Baring Brothers development from wool merchants to one of the most powerful global financial institutions. It also analyses the errors ...

Benjamin Franklin and the Invention of Microfinance

Benjamin Franklin and the Invention of Microfinance

1st Edition

By Bruce H. Yenawine
January 20, 2016

In life, Benjamin Franklin sought to manage debt, organize credit, build capital and promote virtue. After death, he continued this work by leaving a codicil to his last will and testament, bequeathing £2,000 to Boston and Philadelphia. This study examines Franklin’s codicil and the financial ...

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