1st Edition

Fluency Doesn't Just Happen in Multiplication and Division Strategies and Models for Teaching the Basic Facts

    276 Pages 181 Color Illustrations
    by Eye On Education

    276 Pages 181 Color Illustrations
    by Eye On Education

    276 Pages 181 Color Illustrations
    by Eye On Education

    Fluency in math doesn’t just happen; it is a well-planned journey. In this book, you’ll find practical strategies and activities for teaching your elementary students basic multiplication and division.

    The authors lay out the basic framework for building math fluency using a cycle of engagement (concrete, pictorial, abstract) and provide a multitude of examples illustrating the strategies in action. You’ll learn how to help students to model their thinking with a variety of tools; keep students engaged through games, poems, songs, and technology; assess student development to facilitate active and continuous learning; implement distributed practices throughout the year; and boost parental involvement so that students remain encouraged even as material becomes more complex.

    A final chapter devoted to action plans will help you put these strategies into practice in your classroom right away. Most importantly, you’ll open the door to deep and lasting math fluency.

    1. Introduction  2. Modeling Math Facts  3. Exploring and Learning Multiplication Facts  4. Exploring and Learning Division Facts  5. Multiplication and Division Problem Types  6. Number Flexes for Daily Math Fluency Practice  7. Assessment  8. Parental Involvement  9. Action Plan


    Dr. Nicki Newton has been an educator for 35 years, working both nationally and internationally with students of all ages. She has worked on developing Math Workshop and Guided Math Institutes around the country; visit her website at www.drnickinewton.com.

    Ann Elise Record has been an educator for over 22 years as a teacher, math coach and specialist, adjunct faculty member for Plymouth State University, and, currently, as a national speaker and independent elementary math consultant. She can be found on Facebook (www.facebook.com/groups/2022849141262766) facilitating the Math Running Records group. Visit her website at www.anneliserecord.com.

    Dr. Alison J. Mello has been in education for nearly 30 years as a classroom teacher, math specialist, director of curriculum, and assistant superintendent. Alison now enjoys serving teachers through her work as a math consultant, graduate instructor, and national speaker. You can find her at alisonmellomathconsulting.com.