1st Edition

Fluid Mechanics An Intermediate Approach

By Bijay K. Sultanian Copyright 2016
    580 Pages 262 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Fluid Mechanics: An Intermediate Approach addresses the problems facing engineers today by taking on practical, rather than theoretical problems. Instead of following an approach that focuses on mathematics first, this book allows you to develop an intuitive physical understanding of various fluid flows, including internal compressible flows with simultaneous area change, friction, heat transfer, and rotation. Drawing on over 40 years of industry and teaching experience, the author emphasizes physics-based analyses and quantitative predictions needed in the state-of-the-art thermofluids research and industrial design applications. Numerous worked-out examples and illustrations are used in the book to demonstrate various problem-solving techniques.

    The book covers compressible flow with rotation, Fanno flows, Rayleigh flows, isothermal flows, normal shocks, and oblique shocks; Bernoulli, Euler, and Navier-Stokes equations; boundary layers; and flow separation.

    • Includes two value-added chapters on special topics that reflect the state of the art in design applications of fluid mechanics
    • Contains a value-added chapter on incompressible and compressible flow network modeling and robust solution methods not found in any leading book in fluid mechanics
    • Gives an overview of CFD technology and turbulence modeling without its comprehensive mathematical details
    • Provides an exceptional review and reinforcement of the physics-based understanding of incompressible and compressible flows with many worked-out examples and problems from real-world fluids engineering applications

    Fluid Mechanics: An Intermediate Approach uniquely aids in the intuitive understanding of various fluid flows for their physics-based analyses and quantitative predictions needed in the state-of-the-art thermofluids research and industrial design applications.

    Kinematics of Fluid Flow


    What is a Fluid?

    Streamline, Pathline, and Streakline

    Conservation Principles for a Material Region

    Basic Analysis Techniques

    Some Interesting Flows

    Properties of Velocity Field

    Concluding Remarks




    Key Concepts of Thermofluids




    Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Entropy

    Stream Thrust


    Concluding Remarks




    Control Volume Analysis


    Lagrangian versus Eulerian Approach

    Reynolds Transport Theorem

    Integral Mass Conservation Equation

    Differential Mass Conservation Equation

    Linear Momentum Equation in Inertial Reference Frame

    Linear Momentum Equation in Non-Inertial Reference Frame

    Angular Momentum Equation in Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Frames

    Energy Conservation Equation

    Entropy Equation

    Concluding Remarks




    Bernoulli Equation


    Original Bernoulli Equation

    Extended Bernoulli Equation

    Concluding Remarks





    Compressible Flow


    Classification of Compressible Flows

    Compressible Flow Functions

    Variable-Area Duct Flow with Friction, Heat Transfer, and Rotation

    Isentropic Flow in a Variable-Area Duct

    Isentropic Flow in a Constant-Area Duct with Rotation

    Isentropic Flow in a Variable-Area Duct with Rotation

    Fanno Flow

    Rayleigh Flow

    Isothermal Constant-Area Flow with Friction

    Normal Shock

    Oblique Shock

    Prandtl–Meyer Flow

    Operation of Nozzles and Diffusers

    Concluding Remarks





    Potential Flow


    Basic Concepts

    Elementary Plane Potential Flows

    Superposition of Two or More Plane Potential Flows

    Force and Moment on a Body in Plane Potential Flows

    Conformal Transformation

    Concluding Remarks





    Navier–Stokes Equations: Exact Solutions


    Forces on a Fluid Element

    Deformation Rate Tensor

    Differential Forms of the Equations of Motion

    Navier–Stokes Equations

    Exact Solutions

    Navier–Stokes Equations in Terms of Vorticity and Stream Function

    Slow Flow

    Concluding Remarks





    Boundary Layer Flow


    Description of a Boundary Layer

    Differential Boundary Layer Equations

    Von Karman Momentum Integral Equation

    Laminar Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate

    Laminar Boundary Layer in Wedge Flows

    Boundary Layer Separation

    Concluding Remarks




    Flow Network Modeling


    Anatomy of a Flow Network

    Physics-Based Modeling

    Incompressible Flow Network

    Compressible Flow Network

    Flow Network Solution

    Concluding Remarks




    Turbulent Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Industrial Overview


    Industrial Analysis and Design Systems

    CFD Technology Used in Various Industries

    CFD Methodology

    Common Form of Governing Conservation Equations

    Physics of Turbulence

    Turbulence Modeling

    Boundary Conditions

    Choice of a Turbulence Model

    Illustrative Design Applications of CFD Technology

    Physics-Based Post-Processing of CFD Results

    Concluding Remarks





    Compressible Flow Equations and Tables

    Analytical Solution of Coupled Heat Transfer and Work Transfer in a Rotating Duct Flow

    Temperature and Pressure Changes in Isentropic Free and Forced Vortices

    Converting Quantities between Stator and Rotor Reference Frames

    Vorticity and Circulation

    Review of Necessary Mathematics

    Suggested Project Problems


    Dr. Bijay (BJ) K. Sultanian is a recognized international authority in thermofluids and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). He is the founder and managing member of Takaniki Communications, LLC, and an adjunct professor at the University of Central Florida, where he teaches graduate-level courses in turbomachinery and fluid mechanics. For nearly half of his 40+ year career, he worked at GE and Siemens. Sultanian received his BSME from IIT Kanpur and MSME from IIT Madras. He received his PhD in mechanical engineering from Arizona State University, Tempe, and MBA from the Lally School of Management and Technology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

    "… addresses a series of topics in this book, that are often left to more advanced courses or not covered at all at university. … this book is recommended to students undertaking advanced topics in engineering fluid mechanics as well as practicing engineers who find they need something that goes beyond the treatment found in introductory text.
    —Professor Peter Childs, Head of School, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London

    "The Table of Contents demonstrates that the topics here considered cover the arguments of at least two courses at M. Sc. Level. … The arguments were treated in a proper way and clearly explained. … I particularly appreciated presence of a chapter on Flow Network Modelling, which is usually treated in M.Sc. courses using very crude assumptions. I think that this book can be used in many Universities throughout the world. I am thinking to include parts of the arguments in my course Computational Thermo-Fluids Analysis in Fluid Machinery, for M.Sc. students in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering."
    —Domenico Borello, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy

    "Bijay Sultanian has brought together in one well written book the necessary material an engineer needs to know to be able to design and analyze fluid machinery."
    —Ameri, The Ohio State University

    "This new volume offers excellent intermediate course material in fluid mechanics. The coverage, example problems, and material are carefully designed to guide students through challenging concepts for a variety of subject areas. I highly recommend this text."
    —Phil Ligrani, Eminent Scholar in Propulsion, University of Alabama in Huntsville