1st Edition

Food Security In The United States

By William B. Lacey, Lawrence M. Busch Copyright 1984

    Despite the fact that every year it produces a larger surplus of agricultural products than any other country in the world, the U.S. still must contend with a number of important but often unaddressed issues related to food security, including problems of soil erosion, water supply, energy availability, nutrition; farm worker health and safety, and product distribution. This book; containing contributions from authorities in both the natural and social sciences, expands the range of issues pertinent to the security of the U.S. food system, taking into account the adequacy and sustainability of the food supply, equity in access to food by the entire population, the nutritional quality of food, and the costs and benefits (social, economic, and health) of the food system as it is presently organized. Each of the authors considers an aspect of U.S. food security from the point of view of a specific discipline, as well as in terms of broader policy implications.

    Land, Water, Energy, Plant Breeding, Labor, Nutrition and Food Processing, Transportation and Marketing, Research and Expansion, International Implications, Overview.


    Drs. Busch and Lacy, associate professors of sociology at the University of Kentucky with appointments in both the College of Agriculture and the College of Arts and Sciences.