1st Edition

From Divine Timemaker to Divine Watchmaker An Exploration of God’s Temporality

By R.T. Mullins Copyright 2025
    344 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book offers the most extensive exploration of divine temporality to date. It focuses on five main questions. First, what is time? Second, how is God responsible for the existence of time? Third, what does it mean to say that God is temporal? Fourth, what kind of structure might God give to a time series? Fifth, what are the implications for theological doctrines such as the Trinity, creation, providence, and life after death? The author offers a deep, critical engagement with the Christian tradition but also goes beyond to build analytic bridges to Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, and Jainist philosophical theology. The book provides an up-to-date discussion of issues within analytic metaphysics, philosophy of time, and philosophy of religion, and draws on the resources of contemporary systematic, historical, and biblical theology.

    PrefaceSection 1: Models of God and Creation; Chapter 1: The Doctrine of God; Chapter 2: Models of God; Chapter 3: Divine Action and Creation;Section 2: How is God Responsible for the Existence and Nature of Time?; Chapter 4: Creationism; Chapter 5: The Identification View; Section 3: In Defense of Divine Temporality; Chapter 6: The Trinity; Chapter 7: Divine Sovereignty and Providence; Section 4: Possible Structures of Time and Christian Doctrine; Chapter 8: Possible Structures of Time and Personal Persistence; Chapter 9: Presentism and the Grounding Objection; Chapter 10: Contra Eternalism; Chapter 11: Contra Fragmentalism; Chapter 12: Contra Hypertime and the Morphing Block; Chapter 13: Contra Eschatological Presentism; Chapter 14: Contra the Moving Spotlight; Conclusion. 


    R.T. Mullins is a researcher and lecturer in philosophy and theology at the University of Lucerne, a regular visiting professor of philosophy at Palm Beach Atlantic University, and a docent of dogmatics at the University of Helsinki.