1st Edition

From Military to Civilian Rule

Edited By Constantine P. Danopoulos Copyright 1992

    Military disengagement from power in favour of a civilian government is not an uncommon phenomenon, especially in the developing world. First published in 1992, From Military to Civilian Rule is the first comparative study of the motives behind military withdrawal and the establishment of sustainable civilian rule.

    Using case studies from Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Europe written by regional specialists, the book looks at the future of civil–military relations in the post-disengagement state. It reviews the factors — organizational, societal, and international — necessary for maintaining civilian rule, and it establishes conceptual themes common to the countries discussed.

    This volume will appeal to academics and advanced students with interests in Third World Politics, Latin American Politics, and the role of the military in the State.

    1. Intervention, withdrawal and civilian rule: notes and perspectives 2. In the wrong republic: civil–military relations in modern France 3. Farewell to man on horseback: intervention and civilian supremacy in modern Greece 4. A democratic strategy toward the military in post-Franco Spain 5. Costa Rica: the crisis of demilitarization 6. The politics of civilian rule in Colombia 7. The military in a subsidized democracy: the case of Venezuela 8. Civilian supremacy in Mexico: the case of post-revolutionary military 9. The Dominican military’s conditional retreat 10. Coup, withdrawal and economic development in Gabon 11. Sierra Leone: civilian–military republic 12. Military intervention and withdrawal in Africa: problems and perspectives.


    Constantine P. Danopoulos teaches Political Science at San José State University, USA.