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Game Design Deep Dive

About the Series

Game Design Deep Dive is a series meant to examine the history and growth of game genres and to explore best practices for designing them going forward. Understanding the history and past is important, but only adhering to what worked then is often a trap that designers today make, and there is iteration being done to improve them.

This series will help you learn the fundamentals and reach of a genre to make you a better designer and will also help with creating the best possible version of your game to succeed in today's complicated market.

1 Series Title

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Game Design Deep Dive Real-Time Strategy

Game Design Deep Dive: Real-Time Strategy

1st Edition


By Joshua Bycer
January 02, 2025

Game Design Deep Dive: Real-Time Strategy, focuses on what was once one of the most popular genres in the world and the one that truly kicked off the rise of esports. It has seen the most fundamental changes as a genre than anything else, and Game Design Critic Josh Bycer will talk about the ...

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