1st Edition

Gateway Routing Selection Schemes for Post-Disaster Recovery in Mobile AdHoc Networks

By Nor Aida Mahiddin, Nurul I. Sarkar Copyright 2025
    120 Pages 34 B/W Illustrations
    by Chapman & Hall

    Gateway Routing Selection Schemes for Post Disaster Recovery in Mobile AdHoc Networks bridges the gap by providing practical guidelines for an efficient design and performance evaluation of gateway selection schemes to manage the load balancing. This book provides both theoretical background and practical evaluation of gateway selection methods using simulation methodology.

    This book has the following main features:

    • Provides good coverage in a single text on performance evaluation of gateway routing selection schemes for post disaster recovery.
    • Offers students, teachers, and researchers both theoretical and practical knowledge of system design and performance validation.
    • Enhances teaching and learning, and research capability in gateway routing selection schemes.
    • Begins each chapter with a set of learning objectives and provides chapter summary as well as review questions at the end.
    • Provides illustrations and mini-projects and a list of acronyms.


    Gateway Routing Selection Schemes for Post Disaster Recovery in Mobile AdHoc Networks makes the teaching, learning, and researching of gateway routing selection schemes a more active process using practical tools and exercises.


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Learning Objectives

    1.2 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    1.3 Applications of MANET

    1.4 MANET in Disaster Recovery Areas

    1.5 Gateway Load balancing

    1.6 Contribution and structure of this book

    1.7 Summary

    1.8 Key terms

    1.9 Review questions

    1.10 Mini projects


    Chapter 2 Gateway Routing Selection Schemes

    2.1 Learning Objectives

    2.2 Introduction

    2.3 Previous research on MANET Gateways

    2.4 Issues in Gateway Selection Schemes

    2.4.1 Broadcast

    2.4.2 Uneven traffic load

    2.4.3 Gateway failure

    2.5 Previous research on MANET Routing

    2.6 Issues in Routing Schemes

    2.6.1 Network congestion

    2.6.2 Complexity of route selection

    2.7 Node Mobility in Disaster Recovery Scenarios

    2.8 Topology Rapidly Changes

    2.9 Summary

    2.10 Key terms

    2.11 Review questions

    2.12 Mini projects


    Chapter 3 Proposed Routing Selection Schemes

    3.1 Learning Objectives

    3.2 Introduction

    3.3 Use Case Scenario

    3.4 Proposed Routing Selection Scheme in Disaster Recovery

    3.5 Modelling the Network

    3.6 Simulation Tools

    3.7 Selecting the Best Tool

    3.8 Performance measurement metrics

    3.8.1 Average End-to-End Delay

    3.8.2 Packet Loss Ratio

    3.8.3 Packet Delivery Ratio

    3.8.4 Throughput

    3.9 Simulated scenarios

    3.9.1 Scenario 1

    3.9.2 Scenario 2

    3.10 Summary

    3.11 Key terms

    3.12 Review questions

    3.13 Mini projects


    Chapter 4 Simulation Results

    4.1 Learning Objectives

    4.2 Introduction

    4.3 Delay performance

    4.3.1 Gateway Average Delay

    4.3.2 Routing End-to-End Delay for 20 Connections

    4.3.3 Routing End-to-End Delay for 40 Connections

    4.3.4 Mobility Average Delay

    4.3.5 Pause time Average Delay

    4.4 Packet Loss Ratio

    4.4.1 Gateway Packet Loss Ratio

    4.4.2 Routing Packet Loss Ratio for 20 Connections

    4.4.3 Routing Packet Loss Ratio for 40 Connections

    4.4.4 Mobility Packet Lost Ratio

    4.4.5 Pause Time Packet Lost Ratio

    4.5 Packet Delivery Ratio

    4.5.1 Gateway Packet Delivery Ratio

    4.5.2 Routing Packet Delivery Ratio

    4.5.3 Mobility Packet Delivery Ratio

    4.5.4 Pause Time Packet Delivery Ratio

    4.6 Throughput

    4.6.1 Gateway Throughput

    4.6.2 Routing Throughput

    4.6.3 Mobility Throughput

    4.6.4 Pause Time Throughput

    4.7 Summary

    4.8 Key terms

    4.9 Review questions

    4.10 Mini projects


    Chapter 5  Advances in MANET for Disaster Recovery

    Chapter 6 Conclusion and Discussion

    5.1 Deployment of MANETs in Disaster Recovery

    5.2 Dense Network Scenario

    5.3 Large Network Scenario

    5.4 High Node Mobility

    5.5 Conclusion

    5.6 Future work

    5.7 Key terms

    5.8 Review questions

    5.9 Mini projects




    Dr. Nor Aida Mahiddin received her B.S. Degree in Information Technology from the National University of Malaysia, her master’s degree in computer science with a major in Distributed Computing, and her Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. She currently holds a position as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Informatics and Computing at the University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia, and is affiliated with the East Coast Environmental Research Institute (ESERI).

    Dr. Nor Aida is the author of numerous papers published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. She is also an active member of professional organizations, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Internet Society, and The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC).

    Her research interests span across a diverse range of areas, with a primary focus on disaster recovery planning and infrastructure. Additionally, she is deeply engaged in exploring emergency communication frameworks and their optimization, as well as ad hoc network design and traffic flow frameworks.

    Nurul I. Sarkar is a Professor and Director of the Networking and Security Research Centre at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand. He is a regularly invited keynote speaker, chair, and committee member for various national and international fora. Prof Sarkar has 30 years of teaching experience in universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and has taught a range of subjects, including next-generation networking, computing technologies in society, Cisco networking, IoT, data communications, and wireless networks. He received his PhD in Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (field of study: wireless networks) from the University of Auckland. Improving the Performance of Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide (Taylor & Francis, 2014) is his second book. His first book Tools for Teaching Computer Networking and Hardware Concepts was published by IGI Global in 2006 and has received commendation worldwide.

    Prof Sarkar has published over 200 articles (16+ Q1 journals since 2018) in refereed international journal and conference proceedings, including IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Education, Ad Hoc Networks, Computer Communications, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Computer Networks, and MDPI Sensors. He has spent periods of research leave in China, Japan, and Malaysia in recent years. He was a conference general Co-Chair for ITNAC’19 and CECNet’18; and TPC Co-Chair for ICOIN’24 and IEEE ICC14. He was the co-recipient of the 2017 Best Paper award