1st Edition

Geography of the U.S.S.R

By R. E. H. Mellor Copyright 1964
    438 Pages
    by Routledge

    438 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1964, and extensively illustrated with figures and charts, this volume gives an overview of both physical and human geography of the former USSR. The role that the geography of the country has played in shaping historical events and political forces is discussed, as is its role in the economy of the Soviet Union. The geography is examined by topics and regional differences explained within this framework. The book looks at some of the major problems posed by geographical conditions and how they have been tackled and as far as data allows, the success or failure of measures has been assessed.

    1. The Physical Environment of Russia 2. Climate, Soils and Vegetation 3. The Growth of the Russian State and the Russian Contribution to Geographical Exploration 4. Population Distribution and Ethnic Composition 5. Town and Village and Territorial Administration in the Soviet Union 6. Geography of Agriculture 7. Fuel and Mineral Resources 8. Industrial Geography 9. Geography of Transport.


    R. E. H. Mellor was Professor of Geography at the University of Aberdeen, U.K.

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