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Global Institutions

About the Series

Founded in 2003 by Professors Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson, and publishing its first volume in 2005, the Global Institutions book series is the benchmark series for works on the history, structure, and activities of international institutions and key issues and processes that permeate therein.

Covering topics of importance in contemporary and historical global governance, titles in the series cover the developments, membership, structure, decision-making procedures, key functions, problems, prospects, and possibilities confronting global institutions today and in the future.

Continuing the dedication of the founding series editors to high-quality, theoretical and empirical engagement with the full range of issues confronting global institutions, privileging knowledge from all perspectives, and publishing works in an accessible form for academic, policymaking, and lay audiences, we welcome new submissions to the series. To discuss proposals for research monographs, edited collections, short form books, and texts from a wide variety of intellectual orientations, theoretical persuasions, and methodological approaches please contact Rob Sorsby, Senior Editor for Politics and IR– [email protected].

165 Series Titles

Per Page

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Global Governance through Voluntary Consensus

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO): Global Governance through Voluntary Consensus

1st Edition

By Craig N. Murphy, Joanne Yates
January 29, 2009

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the first full-length study of the largest nongovernmental, global regulatory network whose scope and influence rivals that of the UN system.   Much of the interest in the successes and failures of global governance focuses around ...

Institutions of the Global South

Institutions of the Global South

1st Edition

By Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner
November 19, 2008

While clearly assessing the achievements, performance and responses of major global south institutions to global change, Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner shows how and why such arrangements are critical in the South’s efforts to call the international community’s attention to their concerns and to ...

Shaping the Humanitarian World

Shaping the Humanitarian World

1st Edition

By Peter Walker, Daniel Maxwell
December 24, 2008

Providing a critical introduction to the notion of humanitarianism in global politics, tracing the concept from its origins to the twenty-first century, this book examines how the so called international community works in response to humanitarian crises and the systems that bind and divide them. ...

Global Food and Agricultural Institutions

Global Food and Agricultural Institutions

1st Edition

By D. John Shaw
December 05, 2008

This pioneering text brings together for the first time the global institutions on the front line of the campaign against hunger and poverty. The institutions examined in this book – the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World...

The World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO)

1st Edition

By Kelley Lee
October 21, 2008

The World Health Organization (WHO), as the United Nations specialized agency for health, has been at the centre of international health cooperation for over sixty years. With origins dating from the nineteenth century, WHO’s mandate is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of ...

Institutions of the Asia-Pacific ASEAN, APEC and beyond

Institutions of the Asia-Pacific: ASEAN, APEC and beyond

1st Edition

By Mark Beeson
October 02, 2008

The Asia-Pacific is arguably the most important, but also the most complex and contested, region on the planet. Containing three of the world’s largest economies and some of its most important strategic relationships, the region’s capacity of regional elites to promote continuing economic ...

Internet Governance The New Frontier of Global Institutions

Internet Governance: The New Frontier of Global Institutions

1st Edition

By John Mathiason
September 24, 2008

The expansion of the Internet has been called the most revolutionary development in the history of human communications. It is ubiquitous and is changing politics, economics and social relations. Its borderless nature affects the roles of individuals, the magic of the marketplace and the problems ...

The International Olympic Committee and the Olympic System The Governance of World Sport

The International Olympic Committee and the Olympic System: The Governance of World Sport

1st Edition

By Jean-Loup Chappelet
July 24, 2008

When the athletes enter the stadium and the Olympic flame is lit, the whole world watches. Billions will continue to follow the events and to share in the athletes' joys and sorrows for the next sixteen days. Readers of this book, however, will watch forthcoming editions of the Olympic Games in a...

The European Union

The European Union

1st Edition

By Clive Archer
March 26, 2008

Making often complex concepts easily comprehended, this book enables the reader to quickly build a solid and well-rounded understanding of the EU's history and present, covering:  key debates on Europe the ambiguous relationship with the US the EU's internal and ...

The World Bank From Reconstruction to Development to Equity

The World Bank: From Reconstruction to Development to Equity

1st Edition

By Katherine Marshall
March 06, 2008

The World Bank is one of the most important and least understood major international institutions. This book provides a concise, accessible and comprehensive overview of the World Bank's history, development, structure, functionality and activities. These themes are illustrated with a ...

Commonwealth Inter- and Non-State Contributions to Global Governance

Commonwealth: Inter- and Non-State Contributions to Global Governance

1st Edition

By Timothy M. Shaw
December 11, 2007

The Commonwealth consists of only a quarter of the world’s states and yet the Commonwealth Secretariat and Foundation have made and continue to make a significant contribution to global politics. Commonwealth is a superb examination of an often neglected but crucial force in world affairs. ...

A Crisis of Global Institutions? Multilateralism and International Security

A Crisis of Global Institutions?: Multilateralism and International Security

1st Edition

By Edward Newman
July 11, 2007

The legitimacy of global institutions which address security challenges is in question. The manner in which they make decisions and the interests they reflect often falls short of twenty-first century expectations and norms of good governance. Also, their performance has raised doubts about their ...

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