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Global Institutions

About the Series

Founded in 2003 by Professors Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson, and publishing its first volume in 2005, the Global Institutions book series is the benchmark series for works on the history, structure, and activities of international institutions and key issues and processes that permeate therein.

Covering topics of importance in contemporary and historical global governance, titles in the series cover the developments, membership, structure, decision-making procedures, key functions, problems, prospects, and possibilities confronting global institutions today and in the future.

Continuing the dedication of the founding series editors to high-quality, theoretical and empirical engagement with the full range of issues confronting global institutions, privileging knowledge from all perspectives, and publishing works in an accessible form for academic, policymaking, and lay audiences, we welcome new submissions to the series. To discuss proposals for research monographs, edited collections, short form books, and texts from a wide variety of intellectual orientations, theoretical persuasions, and methodological approaches please contact Rob Sorsby, Senior Editor for Politics and IR– [email protected].

165 Series Titles

Per Page

International Secretariats Two Centuries of International Civil Servants and Secretariats

International Secretariats: Two Centuries of International Civil Servants and Secretariats

1st Edition

By Bob Reinalda
October 28, 2020

Providing a comprehensive overview of two centuries of international civil servants and international secretariats, this book reveals how international secretariats have emerged and evolved, focusing on both structures (international public administrations) and the practitioners (international ...

Regionalism Under Stress Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective

Regionalism Under Stress: Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective

1st Edition

Edited By Detlef Nolte, Brigitte Weiffen
June 15, 2020

Regionalism is under stress. The European Union has been challenged by the Eurozone crisis, refugee flows, terrorist attacks, Euroscepticism, and Brexit. In Latin America, regional cooperation has been stagnating. Studying Europe and Latin America within a broader comparative perspective, this ...

Global Think Tanks Policy Networks and Governance

Global Think Tanks: Policy Networks and Governance

2nd Edition

By James G. McGann, Laura C. Whelan
March 05, 2020

This completely revised edition of Global Think Tanks: Policy Networks and Governance provides a clear description of, and context for, the global proliferation of think tanks. It explores the origins, development, and diversity of think tanks and policy networks, discusses past and current issues ...

The International Organization for Migration Challenges, Commitments, Complexities

The International Organization for Migration: Challenges, Commitments, Complexities

1st Edition

By Megan Bradley
February 03, 2020

Since its establishment in 1951, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has expanded from a small, regionally specific, logistically focused outfit into a major international organization involved in an almost dizzying array of activities related to human mobility. In 2016, IOM joined ...

Negotiating Trade in Uncertain Worlds Misperception and Contestation in EU-West Africa Relations

Negotiating Trade in Uncertain Worlds: Misperception and Contestation in EU-West Africa Relations

1st Edition

By Clara Weinhardt
December 02, 2019

This book shows how a constructivist account of bargaining sheds new light on the emergence of impasse situations in international trade negotiations. It uncovers the subtle ways in which misperceptions – and the problems of overcoming them – complicate negotiations. It brings to the forefront ...

Humanitarian Negotiations with Armed Groups The Frontlines of Diplomacy

Humanitarian Negotiations with Armed Groups: The Frontlines of Diplomacy

1st Edition

By Ashley Clements
November 28, 2019

Humanitarians operate on the frontlines of today’s armed conflicts, where they regularly negotiate to provide assistance and to protect vulnerable civilians. This book explores this unique and under-researched field of humanitarian negotiation. It details the challenges faced by humanitarians ...

India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA) The Rise of the Global South

India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA): The Rise of the Global South

1st Edition

By Oliver Stuenkel
November 08, 2016

The establishment of the IBSA as one of the principal platforms of South-South cooperation is one of the most notable developments in international politics during the first decade of the twenty-first century. While the concept is now frequently referred to in discussions about the Global South, ...

Negotiations in the World Trade Organization Design and Performance

Negotiations in the World Trade Organization: Design and Performance

1st Edition

By Michal Parizek
October 10, 2019

This book examines the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the context of the global economy in the twenty-first century, arguing that many problems within the institution lie in the disparity between its design and the nature of its tasks. Studying the global trade regime and the unsuccessful Doha...

Protecting the Internally Displaced Rhetoric and Reality

Protecting the Internally Displaced: Rhetoric and Reality

1st Edition

By Phil Orchard
October 01, 2019

Today, there are over 40 million conflict-induced internally displaced persons (IDPs) globally, almost double the number of refugees. Yet, IDPs are protected only by the soft-law Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement at the global level. Instead of a dedicated international organization, IDPs...

Understanding the Humanitarian World

Understanding the Humanitarian World

1st Edition

By Daniel Maxwell, Kirsten Gelsdorf
May 08, 2019

Conflict and disaster have been part of human history for as long as it has been recorded. Over time, more mechanisms for responding to crises have developed and become more systematized. Today a large and complex ‘global humanitarian response system’ made up of a multitude of local, national and ...

Towards a Global Consensus Against Corruption International Agreements as Products of Diffusion and Signals of Commitment

Towards a Global Consensus Against Corruption: International Agreements as Products of Diffusion and Signals of Commitment

1st Edition

By Mathis Lohaus
March 05, 2019

Corruption has long been identified as a governance challenge, yet it took states until the 1990s to adopt binding agreements combating it. While the rapid spread of anti-corruption treaties appears to mark a global consensus, a closer look reveals that not all regional and international ...

Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms From Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation

Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: From Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation

1st Edition

Edited By John Karlsrud, Yf Reykers
January 28, 2019

The track record of military rapid response mechanisms, troops on standby, ready to be deployed to a crisis within a short time frame by intergovernmental organizations, remains disappointing. Yet, many of the obstacles to multinational actors launching a rapid and effective military response in ...

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