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Global Institutions

About the Series

Founded in 2003 by Professors Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson, and publishing its first volume in 2005, the Global Institutions book series is the benchmark series for works on the history, structure, and activities of international institutions and key issues and processes that permeate therein.

Covering topics of importance in contemporary and historical global governance, titles in the series cover the developments, membership, structure, decision-making procedures, key functions, problems, prospects, and possibilities confronting global institutions today and in the future.

Continuing the dedication of the founding series editors to high-quality, theoretical and empirical engagement with the full range of issues confronting global institutions, privileging knowledge from all perspectives, and publishing works in an accessible form for academic, policymaking, and lay audiences, we welcome new submissions to the series. To discuss proposals for research monographs, edited collections, short form books, and texts from a wide variety of intellectual orientations, theoretical persuasions, and methodological approaches please contact Rob Sorsby, Senior Editor for Politics and IR– [email protected].

165 Series Titles

Per Page

UN Security Council Reform

UN Security Council Reform

1st Edition

By Peter Nadin
January 12, 2018

This volume comprehensively evaluates the current state and future reform prospects of the UN Security Council, providing the most accessible and rigorous treatment of the subject of reform to date. Apart from a couple of critical eyes in the academic community, few have asked the pertinent ...

Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Bridging the Theoretical and Practical Divide

Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: Bridging the Theoretical and Practical Divide

1st Edition

Edited By Claudia Fuentes Julio, Paula Drumond
November 22, 2017

Human rights and conflict resolution have been traditionally perceived as two separate fields, sometimes in competition or in tension and occasionally with contradictory approaches towards achieving a lasting peace. Although human rights norms have been incorporated and institutionalized by various...

Global Trends and Transitions in Security Expertise From Nuclear Deterrence to Climate Change and Back Again

Global Trends and Transitions in Security Expertise: From Nuclear Deterrence to Climate Change and Back Again

1st Edition

By James McGann
November 16, 2017

 The scope of Security and International Affairs research has expanded tremendously since the end of the Cold War to include topics beyond the realm of war studies or military statecraft. The field—once devoted solely to the study of conventional military and nuclear security issues—has ...

Expert Knowledge in Global Trade

Expert Knowledge in Global Trade

1st Edition

Edited By Erin Hannah, James Scott, Silke Trommer
October 26, 2017

This book explores tensions in global trade by examining the role of experts in generating, disseminating and legitimating knowledge about the possibilities of trade to work for global development. To this end, contributors assess authoritative claims on knowledge. They also consider structural ...

The Politics of International Organizations Views from insiders

The Politics of International Organizations: Views from insiders

1st Edition

Edited By Patrick Weller, Xu Yi-chong
October 26, 2017

International organisations (IOs) often receive a bad press, seen as intrusive, domineering and unresponsive to the needs of the people and countries they are meant to serve. The best way to understand the operation of these international organisations is to bring together those who represent their...

The United Nations as a Knowledge System

The United Nations as a Knowledge System

1st Edition

By Nanette Svenson
October 26, 2017

This book seeks to explore how the UN has generated, warehoused, disseminated, structured, packaged, expanded, transferred and leveraged its vast resources of accumulated information and experience throughout the decades and, particularly, since the start of the 21st century with the introduction ...

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Politics, Problems, and Potential

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Politics, Problems, and Potential

1st Edition

By Turan Kayaoglu
October 13, 2017

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the world’s leading international Islamic organization. Turan Kayaoglu provides the first accessible and concise introduction and overview of this important organization. This book details the OIC’s struggle to address popular ...

UNHCR as a Surrogate State Protracted Refugee Situations

UNHCR as a Surrogate State: Protracted Refugee Situations

1st Edition

By Sarah Deardorff Miller
September 15, 2017

International organizations (IOs) that focus on refugees are finding themselves spread increasingly thin. As the scale of displacement reaches historic levels—protracted refugee situations now average 26 years—organizations are staying for years on end, often working well beyond their original ...

British Media and the Rwandan Genocide

British Media and the Rwandan Genocide

1st Edition

By John Nathaniel Clarke
September 21, 2017

Throughout the 1990s, humanitarian interventionism sat at a crossroads, where ideas about rights and duties within and beyond borders collided with an international reality of civil conflict where the most basic human rights were violated in the most brutal manner. This growing awareness of ...

Global Governance and China The Dragon’s Learning Curve

Global Governance and China: The Dragon’s Learning Curve

1st Edition

Edited By Scott Kennedy
September 19, 2017

This volume offers systematic analysis of China’s growing engagement in global governance institutions over the past three decades. During this period, China has gone from outsider to observer to insider. The volume is based on studies of Chinese involvement in a wide cross section of regimes, ...

The League of Nations Enduring Legacies of the First Experiment at World Organization

The League of Nations: Enduring Legacies of the First Experiment at World Organization

1st Edition

By M. Cottrell
September 08, 2017

The League of Nations occupies a fascinating yet paradoxical place in human history. Over time, it’s come to symbolize both a path to peace and to war, a promising vision of world order and a utopian illusion, an artifact of a bygone era and a beacon for one that may still come. As the first ...

Millennium Development Goals Ideas, Interests and Influence

Millennium Development Goals: Ideas, Interests and Influence

1st Edition

By Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
June 15, 2017

Heralded as a success that mobilized support for development, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ushered in an era of setting development agendas by setting global goals. This book critically evaluates the MDG experience from the capabilities and human rights perspectives, and questions the ...

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