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Grammar: Social Variation

About the Series

This series introduces intermediate to advanced students to the main grammatical features of a range of languages in a way that emphasizes the social underpinnings of the language. Unlike traditional grammars, this unique approach to the study of grammar guides students in an examination of how grammar varies depending on place, social group, and situation. Students examine why some varieties of a language are considered prestigious while others are not, drawing on current and historical sociopolitical contexts, all while learning grammatical terminology and how to identify categories and constructions in target language.

Key features:

• A unique focus on grammar from the perspective of variation, which ensures the material covered is clearly linked to how grammar is actually used by speakers throughout the world

• Guides students in an examination of how grammar varies depending on place, social group, and situation allowing them to examine why some varieties of the language are considered prestigious while others are not, all while learning grammatical terminology and how to identify categories and constructions in the target language.

• Teaches grammar in a way that emphasizes the social underpinnings of language which shape language attitudes and prejudices towards particular ways of speaking. It highlights the sociopolitical factors that explain why some forms are deemed prestigious and others are stigmatized.

2 Series Titles

Per Page

Gramática española Variación social

Gramática española: Variación social

2nd Edition


By Kim Potowski, Naomi Shin
September 30, 2024

Gramática española: Variación social presenta conceptos gramaticales claves de la lengua española a los alumnos intermedios y avanzados de una manera que enfatiza las conexiones entre lo social y lo lingüístico. Esta segunda edición ofrece varios puntos de gramática nuevos y sugerencias de lecturas...

Gramática española Variación social

Gramática española: Variación social

1st Edition

By Kim Potowski, Naomi Shin
December 17, 2018

Gramática española: Variación social introduces intermediate to advanced students of Spanish to the main grammatical features of the language in a way that emphasizes the social underpinnings of language. Written entirely in Spanish, this unique approach to the study of grammar guides students in ...

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