1st Edition

Greeks, Romans and Barbarians Spheres of Interaction

By Barry Cunliffe Copyright 1988

    Greeks, Romans and Barbarians (1988) explores a number of themes that bind the regional cultural developments of mainland Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Rejecting the separation into two distinct disciplines for the study of the Mediterranean world and the barbarian communities of northern Europe, this book looks at the systems at work in society – economic strategies, the nature of exchange and trade, the relationships between a civilised core and its periphery – and, more importantly, by the changing trajectories of the socio-economic systems. It also examines how much the physical nature of Western Europe affected these systems, as contacts and trade moved through some regions but were obstructed in others.

    1. Themes and Approaches  2. The Greek Adventure: 600–400 BC  3. The Southern Shores of Gaul  4. Roman Estates and Entrepreneurs  5. Gaul: Continuity and Change 125–59 BC  6. The Battle for Gaul: 58–50 BC  7. The Creation of the Three Gauls  8. Progress Through Britain  9. Beyond the Rhine  10. Retrospect


    Barry Cunliffe