1st Edition

Guide to Environment Safety and Health Management Developing, Implementing, and Maintaining a Continuous Improvement Program

    256 Pages 45 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Although an integral part of the corporate world, the development and execution of a successful Environmental Safety and Health (ES&H) program in today’s profit-driven business climate is challenging and complex. Add to that the scarcity of resources available to assist managers in successfully designing and implementing these programs and you’ve got a perfect storm of regulatory and contractual agreements imposed on businesses. Guide to Environment Safety and Health Management: Developing, Implementing, and Maintaining a Continuous Improvement Program guides you through the challenges of developing and maintaining an effective ES&H program for any organization.

    A strategic ES&H program that follows project management concepts can add to the bottom line in many ways; however, the exact financial gain cannot oftentimes be quantified in the near term and in hard dollars. Written by two experts with more than 50 years of combined experience, this book covers the primary areas of ES&H and key elements that should be considered in developing, managing, and implementing an effective, compliant, and cost-effective program.

    Presenting information from a practical experience view, the book covers:

    • Organizational structure and succession planning
    • Fundamental understanding of EH&S functional areas
    • Training
    • Approach and measurement of continuous organizational improvement
    • Project management of EH&S
    • Application of technology
    • Culture and trust in the workplace

    Regulatory applicability depends on the type of business, product produced, and potential impacts to employees, the public, and the environment. Additionally, the perception exists with some business owners and executives that the "rules and regulations" imposed or enforced do not directly add to the bottom line. Giving you practical, from-the-trenches knowledge, the book outlines techniques and provides guidance for addressing the challenges involved in setting up EH&S programs. It shows you how your ES&H program can ensure regulatory compliance and contribute to the success of your company both monetarily as well as in shaping public perception.

    Environment Safety and Health
    ES&H Organizational Structure
    Radiation Protection
    Worker Safety and Health
    Occupational Health and Medicine
    Environmental Protection
    ES&H Program Support
    ES&H Training
    Continuous Improvement of Environment Safety and Health
    Project Management Approach to Environment Safety and Health
    Succession Planning
    Technology and the ES&H Profession
    Culture in the ES&H Work Environment
    The Impact of Trust in an ES&H Organization


    Frances Alston, PhD, has built a solid career foundation over the past 25 years in leading the development and management of environment safety, health, and quality (ESH&Q) programs in diverse cultural environments. Throughout her career, she has delivered superior performance within complex, multistakeholder situations and has effectively dealt with challenging safety, operational, programmatic, regulatory, and environmental issues. Dr. Alston has been effective in facilitating integration of ESH&Q programs and policies as a core business function while leading a staff of business, scientific, and technical professionals. She is skilled in providing technical expertise in regulatory and compliance arenas as well as determining necessary and sufficient program requirements to ensure employee and public safety, including environmental stewardship and sustainability.
    She also has extensive knowledge and experience in assessing programs and cultures to determine areas for improvement and development of strategy for improvement. Dr. Alston earned a BS in industrial hygiene and safety, an MS in hazardous and water materials management/environmental engineering, an MSE in systems engineering/engineering management, and a PhD in industrial and systems engineering. She is a fellow of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) and holds certifications as a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) and a Professional Engineering Manager (PEM). Dr. Alston’s research interests include investigating and implementing ways to design work cultures that facilitate trust.

    Emily J. Millikin has more than 29 years of leadership experience in regulatory, environmental compliance, radiation protection, and safety and health programs at multiple Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DOD) sites. She has served as safety, health, and quality director and subject matter expert for environment safety, health, and quality programs. She has extensive leadership experience in safety, health, and quality programs and has managed all aspects of program, cost, and field implementation of safety and health, industrial hygiene, radiological control, environmental, quality assurance, contractor assurance system, emergency preparedness, safeguards and security, occupational health, and Price–Anderson Amendment Act programs. Millikin has achieved over 11 million safe work hours while consistently demonstrating a low total recordable case rate. She has established successful employee-led behavioral-based safety observation programs and successfully achieved Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star status. Millikin earned a BS in environmental health from Purdue University with double majors in industrial hygiene and health physics. She is a Certified Safety Professional, Safety Trained Supervisor, and certified in the National Registry for Radiation Protection Technologists.

    "Alston and Millikin provide a robust and in depth look at the field of Environment Safety and Health management for continuous improvement. Going well beyond the macro level of organizational concerns, they explore the detailed issues that must be addressed for excellence in ESH organizational performance."
    —Scotty Dunlap, EdD, CSP, Eastern Kentucky University

    "… I feel, the authors have done a great job in highlighting and addressing many of the HSE concerns of businesses are faced with today and how to address them in the workplace. … The authors provide excellent concepts to users in simple words that are easy to follow and apply. … To sum up - an excellent piece of work!"
    —Dr. Chitram Lutchman, Independent EH&S Provider, Consultant and Global Speaker