1st Edition

Guidebook for Aligning Practices and Steering Multi-System Change From Intervention to Social Change II

    200 Pages 34 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    200 Pages 34 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Building on the work of the authors’ previous volume, the book “Guidebook for aligning practices and steering multi-system change” translates cutting-edge theoretical concepts into the language and applied toolkits of change practitioners. Empirically grounded and theoretically sophisticated book provides policy makers and change managers methods and toolkits for conceptual modelling of change when handling cross-sectoral issues. The authors both ‘zoom in’ to the granular unfolding change of everyday life and ‘zoom out’ to examine the ‘big picture’ of socio-technical systems such as energy, mobility, food and healthcare. In addition to the social practice theories introduced in the first volume, the authors draw on the multi-level perspective that underpins sustainability transition studies and combine two theories. They are also inspired by the Deep Transition concept that tackles multi-systems change. Bridging the gap between the theorisation of sustainability transitions and practical guidelines, it will appeal to policy makers, sustainability project managers and students of management, social and political sciences, technology and innovation.

    List of Figures

    List of Tables



    1. Setting the scene: the aims, audiences and “relatives” of the book


    2. Conceptual toolkit for social interventions


    3. Conceptualisation of landscapes and their pressure


    4. Accelerating niches


    5.  Changing systems


    6. Public communication of interventions 


    7. Wrap up 




    Triin Vihalemm is Professor of Communication Research at the University of Tartu. She is also director of the highly regarded Master’s programme, Change Management in Society


    Margit Keller (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Social Communication and the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia. She has been the chair of the Research Network of the Sociology of Consumption within the European Sociological Association.


    Maie Kiisel (PhD) is a sociologist-analyst of the sustainability team at the Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia. Her consulting activities have mainly been related to volunteer and public sector organisations and performance, thematically to nature conservation, environmental protection and forestry.

    This book is a must-read for practitioners, researchers and students who are taking part in or are studying societal change! The book outlines a theoretically well-informed, systematic and subtle way of bringing together everyday practices and conditional systems that sustain or challenge these practices into one framework with the ambition of showing ways to social change in the light of pressing societal crises such as the climate. Cutting-edge insights meet an imaginative range of concrete examples and ends with an overview of how to create a program for social change.

    Bente Halkier, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


    This lively and reader-friendly book not only provides a profound scholarly source to steering multi-system change by drawing upon social practice theories and transition theories for researchers, but it also serves as an informative guidebook for practitioners willing to act as changemakers towards sustainability. With its diverse empirical examples and exercises, the book will be a fruitful source for teaching. Most importantly, the authors do not let the reader to become discouraged in the face of systemic sustainability challenges, but the book essentially offers hope and stimulation for solving these challenges step by step while keeping in mind the bigger picture.

    Senja Laakso, University lecturer in Environmental Policy, Tampere University