1st Edition

History of Nigeria

By Sir Alan Burns Copyright 1969
    380 Pages
    by Routledge

    380 Pages
    by Routledge

    History of Nigeria (1969) was first published in 1929 and completely revised by its author, and gives the history of Nigeria from before its first encounters with the British, through colonial rule, and up to independence in 1960. It describes the peoples of Nigeria and the British conquest and colonial administration, and is full of detailed and valuable information relating to trade and industry, transport, housing, land tenure, education, religion and tribal customs. Appendices feature royal genealogies and the texts of treaties.

    1. Physical Features and Climate  2. Population: Yorubaland  3. Population: Lagos and Benin  4. Population: Hausaland and Bornu  5. Population: Miscellaneous  6. The Period of Unrestricted Slave Trade  7. & 8. The Exploration of the Interior  9. The Period of Restricted Slave Trade  10. The Conquest of Lagos  11. The Colony of Lagos  12. The Beginnings of Administration in the Oil Rivers  13. The Royal Niger Company  14. The Niger Coast Protectorate  15. & 16. The Protectorate of Northern Nigeria  17. The Lagos and Southern Nigeria Protectorates  18. & 19. The Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria  20. Post-War Nigeria  21. Independent Nigeria  22. Religion and Education  23. Land Tenure  24. The Judicial System  25. The Civil Service  26. Communications  27. Trade and Industry  28. Conclusion.  Appendices


    Sir Alan Burns